Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kata Annuar Musa – UMNO Lillahi ta’ala atau UMNO “kerana Allah”

Saya nak tanya apakah UMNO mencuri kerana Allah, UMNO menipu kerana Allah, UMNO makan suap dan UMNO sogok duit kerana Allah.

Apakah UMNO pindah pengundi, tukar tempat mengundi, tukar sempadan untuk mencuri pengundi Melayu, UMNO seleweng undi pos kerana Allah.

Annuar sepatutnya junjung Quran dan lafaz bahawa semua yang dunia tahu dilakukan oleh UMNO adalah kerana Allah.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

** This posting is in reference to this report 

Dear Mr Johari,

1. Do not try to confuse the public by saying that it is just a normal outflow of foreign funds from Malaysia.

2. Yes, foreign investors do liquidate their holdings in Malaysia to take out their money when the Ringgit depreciate or from fear of shares collapsing.

3. Bank Negara as managers of our foreign currency reserves is already holding the foreign currencies (US bonds).

4. Its duty is to sustain the value of the Malaysian Ringgit should the market lose confidence in the Government’s management of its finances among other things.

5. To sustain the value of the Ringgit, Bank Negara must buy the Ringgit i.e. show there is a demand for the Ringgit.

6. But with what can Bank Negara buy the Ringgit. The obvious source is the foreign currency reserves it is holding. Effectively Bank Negara id trading USD from the national reserves for devalued Ringgits.

7. The Ringgit value may be sustained. But continued lack of confidence in the market may force further devaluation of the Ringgit.

8. And Bank Negara would have to use more USD from the reserves to support the Ringgit. As we all know the Ringgit did not recover during those years.

9. The outflow of USD39.6 billion can only be caused by Bank Negara selling US dollars from the national reserves, causing the reserve to lose money during the period between 2013 to 2015. This is admitted by Bank Negara itself. This is what happens when the Ringgit is allowed to float.

10. Can Mr. Johari explain how else the reserve can shrink? Can he explain why Bank Negara has to follow the trend and join in the outflow of the USD? When the private sector was selling the depreciating Ringgit for USD, why is Bank Negara selling the USD for devalued Ringgit.

Friday, December 22, 2017

1. Opposition parties can only demonstrate. But Governments can act meaningfully.

2. Umno’s demo together with Pas can only be meaningful if it results in the BN Government acting against Donald Trump and the United States.

3. We call upon the Umno-led Government to follow Turkey in setting up a Malaysian consulate accredited to the Government of Palestine in Jerusalem, its capital.

4. We call upon the Malaysian Government to vote in favour of a draft resolution condemning the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

5. We, the Opposition call upon Najib to rescind his words to Donald Trump during his visit to see the President of the U.S. that “the enemies of the United States are also the enemies of Malaysia”.

6. The U.S. regards Palestine as an enemy of the United States. Malaysia must assure the world that Palestine is not our enemy, that we are in favour of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

1. Seperti yang dijangka penubuhan RCI bertujuan mencari alasan untuk mengaitkan dan menyalahkan kepimpinan parti lawan dengan dakwaan bahawa pegawai-pegawai Bank Negara menipu jumlah kehilangan duit bank semasa mengurus dagangan mata wang 30 tahun dahulu.

2. Kononnya Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada masa itu tahu dan sedar berkenaan dengan penipuan ini tetapi mereka tidak mendedahkan perbuatan ini, bermakna mereka bersubahat.

3. Apakah bukti mereka tahu dan bersubahat tidak dijelaskan. Yang tentu tahu dan bersubahat menyembunyi jumlah kehilangan sebenar ialah orang yang, selepas 30 tahun, membuat dakwaan bahawa jumlah kehilangan sebenar bukan 11 billion Ringgit tetapi 30 billion.

4. Sudah tentu Abdul Murad sebagai pegawai bank negara benar-benar sudah lama tahu dan sedar akan jumlah kehilangan dan penipuan yang dibuat. Sudah tentu ia boleh dedah awal-awal lagi penyelewengan ini dan pegawai- pegawai dan auditor yang terlibat. Tetapi ia tidak dedah.

5. Jika Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dikatakan bersama menyembunyi angka 30 billion, Abdul Murad lebih terlibat dengan menyembunyi kebenaran. Tetapi Abdul Murad tidak dianggap bersalah kerana menyembunyi penipuan itu begitu lama.

6. Abdul Murad pilih untuk mendedah “breach of faith” ini apabila jelas pendedahan olehnya akan memberi Perdana Menteri Najib peluang bertindak terhadap musuh politiknya walaupun perkara ini tidak lagi disoal bertahun-tahun, walaupun oleh parti-parti pembangkang.

7. Dengan tidak menghormati maksud undang-undang, Najib dengan kuasanya merebut peluang memulakan proses supaya akhirnya Perdana Menteri masa itu dan Timbalannya dapat disalahkan.

8. RCI ini memakan masa yang panjang. Ramailah saksi dipanggil dan kenyataan-kenyataan panjang mereka diperdengarkan. Selain dari saksi disoal dan menjawab, memorandum yang panjang dengan butir-butir terperinci oleh saksi diserah kepada RCI. Peguam-peguam saksi turut hadir sepanjang RCI bersidang. Mereka juga turut memberi penjelasan dan membuat soalan.

9. Memanglah RCI berhak membuat laporan tersendiri. Tetapi laporan yang diserah kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong, walaupun tebal tetapi jelas menunjuk bahawa butir-butir yang ditulis oleh RCI hampir tidak mengandungi fakta-fakta yang relevan yang diperdengarkan oleh saksi atau memorandum mereka. Walaupun penjelasan oleh saksi dicatit verbatim atau terperinci, tetapi RCI tidak sedikit pun menghirau penjelasan oleh saksi.

10. Yang jelas ialah seluruh laporan RCI menumpu kepada penentuan penglibatan Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan dan Ketua pasukan bahagian dagangan wang Bank Negara.

11. Semuanya berasas kepada sangkaan. Sangkaan ini dianggap sebagai fakta benar untuk polis bertindak.

12. RCI bukanlah badan kehakiman. Tetapi laporannya lebih merupakan hukuman terhadap pihak yang dibicara.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

1. Malaysia today is experiencing the destruction of democracy, the system it chose for the governance of the country at independence.

2. It is now described as a kleptocracy, a country ruled by thieves and robbers. But more than that it is a country where there is no rule of law, where the rulers do anything they please.

3. We had chosen democracy because we believed that the people will rule the country. It would not be direct rule of course. It would be through elected representatives.

4. We believed that if the chosen rulers fail the people, they would be rejected and a new set of rulers elected to take their place.

5. But unfortunately, the system is open to abuse. The process of electing can be manipulated. There are many ways of doing. We are experiencing them today.

6. In the first place, the Election Commission which should be independent, is totally under Government control.

7. It begins with the delineation of the constituencies. The borders can be shifted, polling station changed, and voter names can disappear and reappear somewhere else.

8. Bribery of the voters is open. Reports to the authorities result in no action. Besides money, kitchen appliances and other goodies are openly distributed.

9. The opposition parties are harassed, faults found and registration delayed or denied.

10. All sources of funds for the opposition are blocked, with potential donors being threatened, forced to pay extra taxes and accused of money laundering. Their money in the banks are frozen so that they cannot do business. Certainly not finance the opposition.

11. Government meeting halls are closed to the opposition parties. Hotels may not let their halls be used by the opposition. Local authorities do not permit usage of open spaces for meetings of the opposition. In several cases erection of tents for public gatherings were not allowed.

12. Although the vote is secret. Government spread rumours that it knows who the voters are voting for. There is an implied threat that those voting for the opposition would be punished.

13. Government employees are engaged to man the polling stations and many are instructed to favour Government party candidates in one way or another.

14. Officers in Government agencies and companies are told that they and their staff must ensure everyone supports the Government party. They are threatened with dismissal if they fail to do so.

15. Clearly the election will not be fair. But there are other things that the Government is openly doing to paralyse the opposition. Leaders of the opposition parties are being accused of all kinds of crimes. An incident which happened 30+ years ago is resurrected and a Royal Commission of Inquiry set up which, as expected, finds the opposition leaders had committed breaches and must be investigated by the police.

16. Yet when there is clear evidence that the Prime Minister had misappropriated billions of Ringgit of Government money, the reports on this is placed under the Official Secrets Act and no action taken by the police to investigate.

17. Losing 30 billion Ringgit is serious. But now, NOW, the BNM has reported a loss USD 39.6 billion (Ringgit 162.36 billion at current rate) between 2013-2015. How this huge loss was incurred is not explained. But the fact is that it is an enormous loss. It is four times the loss 30 years ago. Who made this decision which resulted in this huge loss. Who authorised the action which resulted in this loss.

18. Then there is the loss of wealth because of devaluation of the Ringgit. When it was pegged at 3.80 to 1USD, much money was saved. Unwisely it was floated resulting at first in its strengthening to RM3.00 to 1USD.

19. But bad management of the economy and the huge debts taken by the Government caused a loss of confidence in the country. And the Ringgit depreciated to almost RM4.50 to 1USD. Now it has strengthened to 4.1 to 1USD.

20. In the process the people and the nation lost huge sums of money because of the decision to unpeg.

21. But no investigations have been carried out. And no explanation is given to the suffering public. Certainly no Royal Commission of Inquiry has been set up.

22. It would seem that the ruling party in a democracy can abuse and manipulate the powers of the Government as it pleases.

23. Clearly all these can happen in a democracy. In a number of other democratic nations, irresponsible extremists and apparently deranged people can be elected. The result is bad Government and bad governance.

24. Still democracy is the best system of Government ever invented by Man. If democracy does not deliver, it is not because of the concept of Government of the people, by the People and for the People. It is because of the abuses of the system.

25. Democracy is a great system for the governance of a country. It is however not perfect. It is open to abuse. As we can see today democracy can easily be transformed into a kleptocracy, a Government of thieves, by thieves and for thieves.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

1. Najib fears financial support for the opposition. To stop this Najib resorts to threats and harassments against potential donors to the opposition.

2. This takes the form of squeezing individuals and companies for extra income and corporate taxes. The Income Tax people visit the potential donors and demand to be paid more taxes.

3. The records show that these people have paid all their taxes. But Income Tax people would reclassify allowances and make them taxable. Tax would be demanded on these newly taxable items and back dated by 10 or 20 years. Suddenly the tax payers find that they have to pay millions in back taxes.

4. They may protest and refuse to pay. The tax people will blacklist them and seize company books and other records. With this business had to stop. The losses would be huge.

5. Court procedures can take years. The losses would mount. Sometimes passports would be confiscated, again obstructing business.

6. Desperate, the tax-payers would bargain with the tax-collector. He would agree to pay a lesser amount and plead for payment in instalments. Sometimes the tax department would agree. But the tax payers are warned not to donate to opposition parties; not even being seen near them.

7. With that not only will the opposition be deprived of funds but the Government would collect more taxes. At a time when businesses are not doing well, the Government records more taxes being collected.

8. Another form of harassment is to accuse the businessmen of money laundering. No evidence need to be shown that this crime has been committed. The accusation alone is enough for the Government to freeze the accounts of the individual or company in the banks. With the funds frozen, business cannot be done. And of course no donation to the opposition can be made.

9. The victim would appeal. He would agree to a fine of a good portion of his money. But he must agree not to donate to the opposition parties, not even to continue friendship with certain individuals.

10. This type of tax-collecting is unprecedented. But the staff are said to be willing to do illegal things because they may receive a bonus for increasing tax collection.

11. All the signs show that the Government is short of funds. Ministries have been told to cut down on the budget allocated to them.

12. The huge loans taken by 1MDB and by the Government itself need to be serviced and paid. By the end of July, IPIC was paid USD 600 million. There are USD 600 million more to be paid by December 17.

13. The Government had hoped to borrow 55 billion for the East Coast Rail Link from China. There is no way the ECRL can earn enough money to repay this huge loan.

14. All the signs show the Government will not be able to meet even its normal obligations in terms of operation and development.

15. But the Government is spending more money to counter voter sentiment against Najib and his Government. Najib believes if the amount given is big enough, the voters would vote for him.

16. Currently Felda settlers are up in arms over the debts they had to take to purchase FGV shares and for replanting. Basically Najib promised to wipe out these debts with Government money.

17. His latest decision is as follows:

a) For 94,956 Felda settlers he will give RM 5000/- each (total RM 474,780,000).

b) Those who lost money because of the fall in the price of FGV share they had bought would get a gift of RM1800/- each.

c) Settlers who had left the Felda scheme will get all these incentives if they choose to rejoin Felda within 6 months.

d) For armed force Veterans a new pension scheme will be given to those veterans who were not eligible for pensions.

e) For the chairman and secretary of the Village Development Committee (JKKK) monthly pay of RM900 and RM300 will be paid as meeting allowances. There are 33, 000 Chairman and Secretaries. (cost RM350 million per annum).

f) Fisherman will be paid RM300 pm (Cost RM54.4 million)

g) Lots more money including BRIM would be given to all categories of people, increasing as elections approaches. Basically these are bribes, blatant bribes which are against the law.

18. Where will the billions given out come from. Government has a limited amount of money. Government may borrow but repayment cost money. Failure to repay may result in the country being declared bankrupt. Truly Najib is dragging the country to bankruptcy.

19. But now comes the ultimate blow. Prevent the opposition from offering an alternative to BN in the coming election. To do this all the Government has to do is to refuse or delay the registration of the Pakatan Harapan Coalition and to deregister Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, the party of choice of UMNO dissidents and UMNO supporters among the voters.

20. But Najib will still lose. The opposition can fall back on Plan B and Plan C.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

1. Ramai kita telah dengar berkenaan Amanat Hadi. Tetapi ramai yang tidak baca, lebih-lebih lagi menganalisa dan memahami isi kandungan amanat ini.

2. Saya telah siar amanat ini dalam blog saya. Tetapi ada baiknya saya perturunkan amanat ini sekali lagi:

Amanat Haji Hadi

“Saudara-saudara sekalian, percayalah. Kita menentang UMNO, bukan kerana nama dia UMNO. Kita menentang BN bukan kerana nama BN. Kita menentang dia kerana dia mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan peraturan kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliyah. Oleh kerana itulah kita menentang mereka, oleh kerana itulah kita berjuang melawan mereka. Percayalah saudara-saudara, perjuangan kita adalah jihad, ucapan kita adalah jihad, derma kita adalah jihad dan kerana kita berjuang dengan puak-puak ini, kalau kita mati kerana berlawan ini mati kita adalah mati syahid, mati kita adalah mati Islam. Kita tidak payah masuk Yahudi, kita tidak payah masuk Kristian, kita tidak payah masuk Hindu, kita tidak payah masuk Budha, tetapi kita menjadi kafir dengan mengatakan politik suku agama suku”.

3. Perkataan-perkataan Hadi dalam amanatnya jelas merupakan hasutan terhadap pengikut-pengikutnya supaya sanggup mati dalam perjuangan menentang pemerintahan UMNO, BN yang didakwa “kafir”.

4. Kerajaan berhak menangkap dan memasukkan dalam tahanan Hadi kerana unsur hasutan dalam amanatnya. Tetapi Hadi mempunyai ramai pengikut yang fanatik yang boleh cetuskan huru-hara dan rusuhan diseluruh negara.

5. Sebab itu Hadi tidak dimasuk ke dalam tahanan.

6. Tetapi antara pengikut fanatik Hadi ialah Ibrahim Mahmud (Ibrahim Libya). Terpengaruh dengan ajaran dan amanat Hadi, Ibrahim merancang untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan dengan pemberontakan bersenjata. Ia bercadang mengadakan pasukan-pasukan bersenjata ini ditiap-tiap negeri di Malaysia. Bahawa rancangan ini tidak mungkin berjaya tidak dipedulikan.

7. Kerajaan sanggup bertindak terhadap Ibrahim kerana tindakan terhadapnya dipercayai tidak akan mengundang reaksi sebesar tindakan terhadap Hadi. Lagipun jika dibiar, gerakan Ibrahim mungkin menjadi besar dan sukar ditangani oleh pihak berkuasa.

8. Tetapi jangkaan Kerajaan meleset. Persiapan Ibrahim untuk melawan polis sudah sampai ke tahap penggunaan senjata, seperti parang, buluh tajam dan senapang patah.

9. Apabila polis bergerak ke arah rumah Ibrahim, mereka diserang hendap dan empat anggota polis dibunuh dan seorang lagi cedera. Akhirnya polis menyerang balas dan 13 pengikut Ibrahim dan Ibrahim terbunuh.

10. Rusuhan bersenjata oleh Ibrahim dan pengikutnya sehingga sanggup mati ini dipengaruhi oleh hasutan Hadi dan amanatnya. Perkara seperti ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh orang Melayu selepas merdeka. Ini bukan cara orang-orang Melayu. Kita boleh faham dan terima tindakan seperti ini di zaman British. Di zaman merdeka polis dapat bendung kegunaan senjata dengan rundingan dan pujukan. Ini telah dilakukan beberapa kali dengan jayanya. Tetapi di Memali amat jelas sikap yang ditunjuk oleh Ibrahim dan pengikutnya dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan mereka berjihad mengikut ajaran dan amanat Hadi. Mereka percaya kematian mereka adalah syahid.

11. Dengan itu PAS telah menanam yang mati tanpa dimandi dan dikapan.

12. Sesungguhnya amanat Hadi dan ajarannya adalah punca tragedi Memali. Hadi patut kesal kerana dialah yang menyebabkan rusuhan dan kematian polis dan orang awam di Memali.

13. Walaupun PAS telah kafirkan musuh politik mereka lebih awal lagi tetapi tidak ada desakan dan hasutan supaya mereka mengganas dan membunuh dalam usaha mereka untuk kemenangan politik. Hanya Hadi sahaja yang membawa fahaman bahawa pembunuhan musuh politik oleh pengikutnya adalah disuruh oleh agama Islam dan kematian pembunuh adalah syahid.

14. Suruhanjaya Diraja perlu ditubuh. Hadi perlu dihadapkan ke suruhanjaya untuk disoal akan peranannya dan peranan amanatnya. Jika ada orang yang perlu disiasat berkenaan dengan Memali, orangnya ialah Abdul Hadi Awang, pemimpin parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS).

15. Sekarang Hadi sanggup bekerjasama dengan UMNO dan Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO yang dahulu dikatakan kafir kerana mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan peraturan kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliah.

16. Di satu masa Hadi mendakwa UMNO kafir. Bekerjasama orang kafir menjadikan UMNO kafir.

17. Sekarang, sebelum menolak Amanatnya bahawa UMNO kafir, Hadi menjadi penyokong kuat UMNO, kerana tindakan PAS bertanding dalam PRU 14 akan mengurangkan undi bagi Pakatan Harapan dan memberi kemenangan kepada Najib. PAS sendiri akan kalah.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

SEORANG peguam kanan Mahkamah Agung Amerika Syarikat dilapor Utusan Malaysia berkata meskipun Jabatan Keadilan (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat (AS) telah memfailkan pelucut hak sivil ke atas aset yang didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), tetapi tidak ada tindakan mahkamah diambil ke atas 1MDB di AS.

Juga dilapor yang terdapat sedikit sahaja aktiviti berkaitan dengan kes itu dan tiada siapa yang dinamakan sebagai sasaran jenayah. ??Laporan penuh boleh dibaca di sini.

Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat Jefferson Sessions pula dalam ucapannya di Global Forum on Asset Recovery di Washington DC, menyifatkan siasatan ke atas 1MDB sebagai siasatan ke atas kes “kleptokrasi paling teruk”.

Katanya hampir separuh daripada kutipan hasil rasuah bernilai AS$ 3.5 bilion yang telah dirampas oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat datang dari saman sivil berkaitan 1MDB.

“Pegawai yang didakwa rasuah dan sekutu mereka dilaporkan menggunakan dana 1MDB untuk “perbelanjaan mewah” seperti AS$ 200 juta untuk hartanah di California Selatan dan New York, AS $ 130 juta dalam karya seni, AS$ 100 juta untuk muzik dan kapal layar AS$ 265 juta”.

“Secara keseluruhan, pegawai-pegawa 1MDB didakwa melakukan pengubahan wang haram lebih daripada AS $ 4.5 bilion menerusi urus niaga yang kabur dan kompleks dan syarikat cengkerang dengan akaun bank di pelbagai negara seperti Switzerland, Singapura, Luxembourg dan Amerika Syarikat,” katanya.

“Ini kleptokrasi paling teruk.”

“Hari ini, Jabatan Keadilan AS (DOJ) sedang berusaha untuk memberi keadilan kepada mangsa-mangsa skim yang dikatakan ini,” katanya.

“Itulah sebabnya kita semua mesti berbuat lebih banyak untuk mempercepat permintaan Bantuan Perundangan Bersama (MLA).

“Permintaan ini memastikan bahawa pendakwa mempunyai bukti bahawa mereka perlu membawa penjenayah ke muka pengadilan,”

Laporan penuh kenyataan tersebut boleh dibaca di sini, dan laporan berita lanjut di sini dan di sini
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