Friday, October 30, 2020

1. I am indeed disgusted with attempts to misrepresent and take out of context what I wrote on my blog yesterday.

2. Those who did that highlighted only one part of paragraph 12 which read: “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.”

3. They stopped there and implied that I am promoting the massacre of the French.

4. If they had read the posting in its entirety and especially the subsequent sentence which read: “But by and large the Muslims have not applied the eye for an eye” law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t. Instead the French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings.

5. Because of the spin and out of context presentation by those that picked up my posting, reports were made against me and I am accused of promoting violence etc… on Facebook and Twitter.

6. FB and Twitter had then requested the administrators of my Facebook and Twitter accounts to remove the postings. Despite attempts to explain the context of the posting, they were removed.

7. There is nothing I can do with FB and Twitter’s decision to remove my posting. To my mind, since they are the purveyor of freedom of speech, they must at least allow me to explain and defend my position.

8. But that is what freedom of speech is to them. On the one hand, they defended those who chose to display offending caricatures of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and expect all Muslims to swallow it in the name of freedom of speech and expression. On the other, they deleted deliberately that Muslims had never sought revenge for the injustice against them in the past.

9. Even my appeal that the French should explain the need to advise their people to be sensitive and respect the beliefs of other people is left out.

10. What is promoted by these reaction to my article is to stir French hatred for Muslims.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

1. A teacher in France had his throat slit by an 18-year-old Chechen boy. The killer was angered by the teacher showing a caricature of Prophet Muhammad. The teacher intended to demonstrate freedom of expression.

2. The killing is not an act that as a Muslim I would approve. But while I believe in the freedom of expression, I do not think it includes insulting other people. You cannot go up to a man and curse him simply because you believe in freedom of speech.

3. In Malaysia, where there are people of many different races and religions, we have avoided serious conflicts between races because we are conscious of the need to be sensitive to the sensitivities of others. If we are not, then this country would never be peaceful and stable.

4. We often copy the ways of the West. We dress like them, we adopt their political systems, even some of their strange practices. But we have our own values, different as between races and religions, which we need to sustain.

5. The trouble with new ideas is that the late comers tend to add new interpretations. These are not what the originators intended. Thus, freedom for women, meant the right to vote in elections. Today, we want to eliminate everything that is different between men and women.

6. Physically we are different. This limits our capacity to be equal. We have to accept these differences and the limitations that are placed on us. Our value systems is also a part of human rights.

7. Yes, sometimes some values seem to be inhuman. They cause some people to suffer. We need to reduce the sufferings. But not by force, if the resistance is great.

8. The dress code of European women at one time was severely restrictive. Apart from the face no part of the body was exposed. But over the years, more and more parts of the body are exposed. Today a little string covers the most secret place, that’s all. In fact, many in the west are totally naked when on certain beaches.

9. The West accepts this as normal. But the West should not try to forcibly impose this on others. To do so is to deprive the freedom of these people.

10. Generally, the west no longer adhere to their own religion. They are Christians in name only. That is their right. But they must not show disrespect for the values of others, for the religion of others. It is a measure of the level of their civilisation to show this respect.

11. Macron is not showing that he is civilised. He is very primitive in blaming the religion of Islam and Muslims for the killing of the insulting school teacher. It is not in keeping with the teachings of Islam. But irrespective of the religion professed, angry people kill. The French in the course of their history has killed millions of people. Many were Muslims.

12. Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past. But by and large the Muslims have not applied the “eye for an eye” law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t. Instead the French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings.

13. Since you have blamed all Muslims and the Muslims’ religion for what was done by one angry person, the Muslims have a right to punish the French. The boycott cannot compensate the wrongs committed by the French all these years.

Monday, October 26, 2020

1. Bagi pihak Pejuang saya alu-alukan keputusan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Yang di-Pertuan Agong bersama-sama Raja-Raja Melayu untuk tidak mengisytihar darurat di Malaysia seperti yang dipohon dan dipersembahkan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

2. Rakyat tentu gembira dengan keputusan yang dibuat oleh Seri Paduka Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

3. Pejuang juga sambut baik nasihat Yang Maha Mulia Duli Tuanku supaya orang politik kurangkan politik. Sudah tentu ini tidak terhad kepada ahli politik pembangkang sahaja, tetapi termasuklah ahli politik Kerajaan.

4. Oleh itu, diharap sementara ahli politik pembangkang menghormati nasihat Duli Yang Maha Mulia, ahli politik Kerajaan dan Kerajaan juga henti tindakan politik seperti melucutkan jawatan orang politik yang tidak sokong Kerajaan, memberhentikan peruntukan wakil rakyat yang tidak sokong Kerajaan, membeli penyokong parti lawan untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan Parti lawan, memaksa pilihanraya diadakan kerana percubaan merebut Kerajaan, menolak pendaftaran parti politik seperti Pejuang, dan bermacam lagi tindakan politik seperti sogokan wang dalam pilihanraya.

5. Pejuang tetap akan patuh kepada nasihat DYMM YDP Agong, supaya politik di Malaysia menjadi stabil. Pejuang sanggup bekerjasama dalam usaha semua pihak menangani ancaman Wabak Covid-19.

6. Akhir kata, sebagai pemimpin Pejuang yang belum didaftar, saya ingin menyatakan kesyukuran kami dan junjung kasih kami kepada Kebawah Duli Tuanku YDPA yang telah utamakan kepentingan rakyat dengan membuat keputusan yang bijak terhadap cadangan mengisytihar darurat di negara tercinta ini.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

1. Covid-19 has been used to justify Parliament being delayed, shortened and void of any debates.

2. Now it is to justify declaring a State of Emergency. But the power and authority in today’s Government have been adequate to deal with the pandemic.

3. We don’t find the kind of objection by the people as seen in the US and Europe. Our people have very largely obeyed the restrictions such as the MCO.

4. What can Emergency do to stop the pandemic more than what we can do now. Nothing.

5. But an Emergency would give extra power to the Prime Minister. What he has done so far has not mitigated the political, economic and social problems affecting the country.

6. He has a huge Cabinet which has contributed nothing to the well-being of the people and the country.

7. Most of the things done is about the political situation. This Government is not the Government elected by the people. It has come to power by undemocratic means. And now it is only concerned about staying in power.

8. Faced with the possibility of being overthrown, the Prime Minister wants the powers under a state of Emergency. The only benefit would accrue to the Prime Minister, as Parliament would be paralysed. He would claim that it is the wish of the Palace.

9. Already, the mere rumour of an emergency has resulted in the stock market taking a deep dive.

10. If Emergency is declared then the market will collapse completely. The investors have no faith in the Prime Minister being able to manage the economy.

11. He messed up the Covid-19 situation by trying to grab the Government of Sabah. The present spike is entirely due to the Sabah elections.

12. So, the Government has been changed. What good has it brought to Sabah.

13. Countries with more severe Covid-19 problems have not declared emergency for the whole country but only for the affected areas.

14. That was specific for dealing with the local problem. But none have suspended laws and Parliament as it would if Emergency is declared in Malaysia.

15. There are no riots or violence in Malaysia, no breakdown of laws and order to justify an Emergency.

16. But there is a need for some changes to be made to the Government which seized power through undemocratic means.

Monday, October 12, 2020

1. Sepatutnya PRN Sabah tidak diadakan.

2. Sabah sudah ada PRN pada 2018. Warisan menang dan tubuh Kerajaan. Tapi Kerajaan pintu belakang Pusat berhasrat kuasai Sabah juga melalui pintu belakang.

3. Untuk elak daripada ini berlaku, Kerajaan Warisan terpaksa dibubar untuk adakan PRN.

4. Maka menanglah duit, kerana dia raja.

5. Tapi kosnya tinggi. Bukan sahaja wang Ringgit, tetapi juga serangan COVID-19. Dari Sabah berkembang ke Semenanjung.

6. Kononnya Menteri kebal tak payah kuarantin.

7. Malangnya COVID-19 tidak tahu Menteri kebal.

8. Maka berjangkitlah COVID-19 dan merebaklah. 631 sehari.

9. Dari negeri yang selamat Sabah jadi kluster.

10. Beribu akan jadi mangsa, maut pun ada.

11. Kata pemimpin tertinggi, kalau menang, PRU akan diadakan.

12. Jangan mungkir janji. Adakan PRU. Biar ratusan ribu dijangkiti.

13. Biar lebih ramai mati.

14. Politik lebih utama dari prinsip.

15. Apa aku peduli.

16. Aku dapat.

Monday, October 5, 2020

1. Mr Zaim Ibrahim is of the view that my anti-graft campaign will not work now (The Malaysian Insight, Oct 1, 2020).

2. I should instead be selling “the deal” my new party is offering to the people?

3. Perhaps it is true that the Malays in particular are not concerned about graft. A campaign against graft will not bring support from them.

4. Even if this is true it is still important for graft to be condemned by the country as a whole. We are not dealing with the common garden bribe for an officer to expedite approval of an application or to approve a bad proposal. We are talking about buying Governments which rule our country.

5. We can have elections and determine the majority which will set up the Government. That is the democratic way to choose a Government.

6. But now we are seeing elected Governments being brought down through bribing some of its members to cease to support it. Once the elected Government loses its majority, it will cease to be the Government.

7. The members who have been bought can then join the people who bribed them to form the new Government. This Government would be under the control of the corrupt people who bribed them. This means that the people rejected by the electorate will form the Government.

8. This is what happened to the present Central Government and what very nearly happened to the Sabah Government.

9. What is the good of elections if the Government of the electorates’ choice can be overthrown through bribes and the party the electorate rejected would become the Government.

10. The election would be meaningless. The country would be ruled by corrupt leaders.

11. If the people of this country do not mind having corrupt people as their Government then they should not support anti-corruption campaigners. Effectively they would be promoting corruption in the Government of the country.

12. My party may not get support because it insists on appealing to the good sense of the people to reject corruption.

13. But we will still fight corruption even if we are rejected.

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