Tuesday, April 12, 2016


1Malaysia Development Berhad Jawab

1. Banyak soalan telah dijawab oleh 1MDB. Tetapi tidak ada satu pun yang boleh dipercayai.

2. Hari ini 1MDB menjawab kenyataan akhbar yang dibuat oleh International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) bahawa IPIC dan anak syarikatnya Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar) yang didaftar dibawah undang-undang Abu Dhabi dan UAE, bahawa Aabar BVI (British Virgin Islands) bukanlah dari kumpulan mereka. Juga IPIC dan Aabar mengesahkan bahawa mereka tidak pernah terima bayaran dari Aabar BVI, dan mereka juga membuat pengakuan terhadap sebarang tanggungan (liabilities) bagi pihak Aabar BVI (seperti yang dinyatakan oleh 1MDB).

3. 1MDB menjawab bahawa dalam kenyataan terbuka yang diaudit pada 31.03.2014 menunjuk rekodnya telah dibayar kepada Aabar BVI.

4. Segala kenyataan oleh 1MDB tidak pernah disokong oleh dokumen apa-apa. Ini termasuk pemulangan wang dari Kepulauan Caymans yang kononnya di simpan di BSI Singapura. Kemudian BSI berkata tidak ada wang berkenaan yang disimpan oleh 1MDB dengannya. Lantas 1MDB menjawab simpanan itu bukan berbentuk wang tetapi berbentuk “unit”. Tidak ada penjelasan atau dokumen nilai sesuatu unit dan jumlah unit. Jelas bahawa dakwaan ini adalah satu pembohongan.

5. Kononnya dari RM2.6 bilion RM2.3 bilion sudah pulangkan kepada “penderma”. Tetapi wang (atau unit) ini telah dibekukan. Kalau dah beku, bagaimana dan bila wang ini dicairkan dan dipulangkan kepada “penderma” yang tidak boleh dikenalpasti. Hakikatnya semua kenyataan 1MDB dan A.G. juga tidak boleh dipercayai.

6. Aabar BVI didapati bukanlah Aabar anak syarikat IPIC. 1MDB kerap mengguna nama syarikat lain supaya dipercayai orang. Demikian apabila terdapat sebuah syarikat Amerika yang bernama Blackstone Group, maka sebuah syarikat di Hong Kong pun diberi nama “Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners” supaya difikir syarikat ini ada kaitan dengan syarikat Blackstone Group di Amerika. Blackstone Group dilapor menafikan bahawa “Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners” mempunyai kaitan dengannya.

7. Laporan dalam buku-buku 1MDB tidak boleh dipercayai sama sekali. Jika laporan media asing adalah fitnah dan tidak berasas, tuduhan saman malu boleh dibuat terhadap media berkenaan di negara mereka. Tetapi walaupun media asing ini membuat bermacam tuduhan terhadap Najib, seperti melapor Najib rasuah, Menteri Kewangan yang terburuk didunia, memiliki RM 2.6 bilion dalam akaun peribadi yang datangnya dari 1MDB, Najib tidak pernah bertindak saman malu terhadap WSJ atau Sarawak Report atau Washington Post dan lain-lain. Jika dakwaan mereka tidak berasas kebenaran saman malu oleh Najib bukan sahaja akan menghasil ganti rugi berjuta dollar tetapi dakwaan buruk terhadapnya akan berhenti. Tidak adanya saman malu oleh Najib mengesahkan tuduhan mereka adalah benar.

8. Kerana semua dakwaan pihak asing tidak menarik tindakan undang-undang maka penafian 1MDB yang dipimpin oleh Najib tidak dapat diterima sama sekali.

9. Demikian juga bahagian-bahagian dalam laporan PAC yang berasas kepada kenyataan 1MDB bahawa Najib tidak terlibat dengan segala salahlaku, tidak boleh diterima. Lagipun sebagai PM dan Menteri Kewangan serta Penasihat kepada 1MDB, membiar pegawai dibawahnya membuat berbagai keputusan berkenaan berbilion dilabur, dipindah, diberi pinjam, dihilangkan menunjuk sikap tidak mengambil berat terhadap wang Kerajaan yang begitu banyak. Najib tidak menjalankan tanggungan fiduciary dengan bertanggungjawab. Ini adalah satu kesalahan besar walaupun laporan PAC menuding jari ke arah Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Hilmi sepenuhnya. Sementara tindakan terhadap Shahrol perlu diambil, tindakan terhadap penasihat 1MDB yang mewakili Kerajaan tidak boleh diketepikan.


1. Many questions have been answered by 1MDB. But there is not one that can be believed.

2. Today, 1MDB answered a press release issued by the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) that IPIC and its subsidiary Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar) registered under the laws of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, that Aabar BVI (British Virgin Islands) is not part of their group. IPIC and Aabar also confirmed that they had never received any payment from Aabar BVI, and that they had pledged recognition of any liabilities on behalf of Aabar BVI (as stated by 1MDB).

3. 1MDB answered that, in an open statement that was audited on 31.03.2014, its record showed that payment had been made to Aabar BVI.

4. All statements by 1MDB has never been supported by any document. This includes a refund of money from Caymans Islands supposedly deposited in BSI Singapore. Then, BSI said there was no such money deposited by 1MDB with them. Subsequently 1MDB said the deposit is not in the form of cash but in the form of “unit”. There are no explanation or documents as to the value of a “unit” and of the number of “units”. It is obvious that these claims are lies.

5. Supposedly, from the RM2.6 billion a sum of RM2.3 had already been returned to the “donor”. But this money (or units) had been frozen. If it had been frozen, how and when was this money withdrawn and returned to the “donor” who could not be identified. In fact all statements 1MDB and Attorney General cannot be believed

6. It has been established that Aabar BVI is not the Aabar that is a subsidiary of IPIC. 1MDB often use the names of other companies so that they can be trusted by people. Thus, when there is an American company named Blackstone Group, a company in Hong Kong was named “Asia Blackstone Real Estate Partners” to give the impression that this company is related to the Blackstone Group in the United States. Blackstone Group reportedly denied that “Asia Blackstone Real Estate Partners” has anything to do with it.

7. Reports in the books of 1MDB cannot be trusted at all. If foreign media reports are merely lies and baseless accusations, the media can be sued for defamation in their own countries. But even though foreign media have made various allegations against Najib, such as accusing Najib of corruption, describing him as the worst Minister of Finance in the world, possessing in his personal account a sum of RM2.6 billion supposedly coming from 1MDB, Najib never acted to file defamation suits against Wall Street jurnal (WSJ) or Sarawak Report or the Washington Post and others. If their allegations are baseless, successful defamation suits by Najib will not only yield millions of dollars in damages, but all wild accusations against him will stop. The absence of any defamation suits by Najib will only confirm the truthfulness of the allegations.

8. As all allegations by foreign parties do not attract legal action, mere denials by 1MDB led by Najib are not acceptable at all.

9. Similarly, the parts in the PAC report, which was based on statements by 1MDB that Najib is not involved in any misconduct, is unacceptable. Furthermore, as the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister as well as Advisor to 1MDB, by allowing an officer under him to make decisions involving billions to be invested, to be transferred, to grant as loans, and to squander, shows a could’nt care less attitude towards such a huge some of government money. Najib did not carry out his fiduciary obligations responsibly. This is a big offence even though the PAC report pointed its finger at Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Hilmi completely. While action against Shahrol should be taken action, action against 1MDB advisor, representing the Government, cannot be ignored.
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