Wednesday, July 27, 2022

1. Apandi ingin tahu asas dan sebab keputusan dibuat untuk tidak teruskan cadangan menuntut semula Batu Puteh sebagai milik Malaysia.

2. Saya telah jelaskan perkara ini berkali-kali. Yang perlu dijelas ialah bagaimana Apandi mencadang penyelesaian kes Jho Low dengan tawaran Jho Low untuk bayar kepada Kerajaan Malaysia sebanyak satu billion lima ratus juta Ringgit.

3. Apandi telah mendakwa dahulu bahawa tidak ada kesalahan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Seri Najib dalam kes 1MDB. Ini bermakna Jho Low juga tidak bersalah.

4. Jikalau tidak bersalah apa sebabnya Jho Low bercadang bayar satu setengah billion Ringgit kepada Kerajaan Malaysia. Cara orang yang tidak bersalah ialah dengan kembali ke Malaysia dan sanggup dibicara di mahkamah.

5. Tetapi Jho Low masih tidak sanggup kembali ke Malaysia walaupun sanggup menghubungi Apandi. Kesanggupan Apandi menerima tawaran Jho Low tentulah kerana Apandi sekarang akui yang Jho Low bersalah.

6. Lagi pun Najib didapati bersalah dengan ke semua tuduhan di mahkamah apabila dibicara. Sekaligus keputusan Apandi bahawa Najib tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan, ditolak oleh mahkamah apabila Najib dibicara. Ini bemakna Apandi cuai dalam menjalankan amanah sebagai AG.

7. Yang menjadi soalan ialah apakah jenis hubungan Apandi dengan Jho Low semasa ia memutuskan bahawa tidak ada apa-apa kesalahan yang dibuat oleh Najib. Jika ada hubungan maka‘conflict of interest’ berlaku. Keputusan Apandi menghalang mahkamah dari membicara kes Najib dan juga melindungi Jho Low.

8. Adalah penting siasatan dibuat berkenaan hubungan Apandi dengan Jho Low.

Friday, July 22, 2022

1. Laporan-laporan berita bahawa Tan Sri Apandi Ali bertindak sebagai orang tengah untuk Jho Low amatlah mengejutkan.

2. Pertamanya, Apandi ketika menjadi Peguam Negara telah menyatakan tidak berlaku sebarang jenayah berkaitan dengan 1MDB serta menyucikan Perdana Menteri ketika itu Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

3. Pendirian Apandi itu berlaku di waktu beberapa Negara luar telah mengambil tindakan terhadap bank-bank dan orang persendirian yang terbabit dengan jenayah 1MDB.

4. Kerana itu apabila Pakatan Harapan mengambil-alih Kerajaan, perkhidmatan Apandi tidak dilanjutkan kerana sikap dan tindakannya menyucikan 1MDB secara langsung adalah kegagalannya melaksanakan amanah dan tanggungjawab Negara.

5. Selain itu, tindakannya juga secara langsung mempertahankan jenayah-jenayah yang telah dilakukan oleh Najib dan sekutu-sekutunya termasuklah Jho Low.

6. Hari ini hakim-hakim mahkamah tinggi dan mahkamah rayuan telah mendapati perlakuan jenayah tetap berlaku di dalam 1MDB dan menghukum penjara Najib Razak kerana kesalahan-kesalahan berkaitan 1MDB.

7. Sepatutnya Apandi merasa bersalah dan menyesal kerana pendiriannya menyekat jenayah 1MDB dari dihadap ke mahkamah.

8. Sekarang, dia sanggup menjadi orang tengah untuk Jho Low mendapat penyelesaian dan diberitakan dengan membayar Kerajaan Malaysia RM1.5 billion. Ini bermakna Jho Low bersalah. Jika tidak bersalah kenapa menawar wang untuk menyelesaikan tindakan terhadapnya.

9. Sekali lagi Negara dan rakyat Malaysia ingin dianiayai oleh Apandi dan Jho Low dengan tawaran penyelesaian sejumlah wang yang sebegitu kecil berbanding dengan pencurian wang negara berjumlah puluhan billion ringgit.

10. Tindakan Apandi yang sanggup bersekongkol dengan Jho Low amat mencurigakan.

11. Kesediaan Jho Low membayar untuk penyelesaian membukti bahawa Jho Low mengakui kesalahan.

12. Sekali lagi Apandi seharusnya mengambil sikap menyesali kesilapan atau kesalahannya yang dahulu dan bukannya mengambil upah (saya tidak percaya Apandi melakukan kerja orang tengah Jho Low secara percuma) dari penjenayah 1MDB yang Apandi telah bebaskan dahulu.

13. Di sini timbul kecurigaan bahawa kerjasama Apandi dengan Jho Low telah bermula semasa dia Peguam Negara.

14. Satu siasatan perlu dilakukan terhadap Apandi sama ada dia membuat keputusan menyucikan 1MDB dahulu kerana hubungannya dengan Jho Low.

15. Ini bukan sahaja satu conflict of interest. Lebih dari itu, ia adalah satu jenayah terancang untuk mencuri harta rakyat dan Negara dan ini membabitkan bukan sahaja Najib dan Jho Low tetapi juga Apandi.

16. Kerajaan hari ini bertanggungjwab untuk menyiasat kerana terdapat unsur kolusi (collusion) dan subahat (complicity) Apandi di dalam jenayah 1MDB untuk memastikan penyamun-penyamun Negara yang terbabit di dalam jenayah terancang ini diadili dan dihukum.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

1. It is amazing. Najib is at it again. He is blatantly blaming others for the situation that he himself created.

2. Yes, the country is lagging behind its neighbours. Correct. But it is due to Najib’s corruption of the Government. It is due to the huge amounts of money he borrowed which have now disappeared. It is due to the projects he started which were not only overpriced but favoured the other parties. It is due to the projects being of little benefit to the country. And of course due to having to pay to settle the huge debts incurred by him. There is no money left to develop the country.

3. What does he expect the government which defeated him to do? Overlook all the crimes he has committed?

4. Who is he asking to focus on the economy? It cannot be PH as he has engineered the back door change of government; not once but twice.

5. Obviously the first change was not to his liking. Now he has managed to have his party as the Government. Well ask his party, ask the UMNO PM, why are we lagging behind now that Najib’s party is in power?

6. Big companies are leaving the country in droves. Everyone complains that getting approvals or permission for anything take months if not years. Only when money is paid will the permission be granted. Even meeting the ministers require bribes to make it possible. And frequently the ministers refuse to meet investors. Even the PM is not available.

7. In one project, a statement was made that the project is 90% completed, when even the ground has not been broken.

8. A high-speed train only saves time if it covers a long distance. For short distances the time saved is insignificant. And HSR is very costly.

9. Yes, we have to pay RM320 million to Singapore. That is because Najib made that silly agreement. Carrying on would drain the treasury more, at a time when we need to pay money for Najib’s borrowings.

10. Incidentally I am reading a novel about England a thousand years ago by Ken Follett. He tells of a crooked bishop caught red handed forging coins. The case was tried before an alderman who was his brother.

11. Instead of the sheriff prosecuting, the bishop prosecuted. He declared that he was in the coin workshop because he was going to arrest the counterfeiters.

12. In fact he was gloating over the counterfeit money he was forcing the jeweller to produce when the sheriff and his man at arms arrived. He was furious and was screaming at the sheriff.

13. But in his prosecution he named the counterfeiter as the culprit. The man protested and said he was forced to manufacture the coin by the bishop. Witnesses to the truth were dismissed.

14. The jeweller was declared guilty of counterfeiting and sentenced to be blinded and castrated. And the sentence was carried out immediately in full view of the town people.

15. That was justice in England of 10th century. It sounds like Najib’s twisting of facts and accusing others of the crimes he had committed. He stole billions of Ringgit which affected the development of Malaysia. Yet he puts the blame on PH which he brought down through the back door.

Friday, July 8, 2022

1. There was a time when Malaysia was admired as the best developed of the countries achieving independence after World War II. From a poor British colony, it became an Asian Tiger with GDP growth of 8% plus. It was believed that the growth would continue and Malaysia would become a developed country by 2020.

2. But today Malaysia is behind even Vietnam and Indonesia in terms of economic growth and political stability. A country that had changed Government democratically every five years, is now ruled by Governments which slipped in through the back door.

3. And these Governments are weak and liable to be overthrown by 3 Members of Parliament crossing over. It has happened once and it can happen any time.

4. The backdoor Governments are only concerned with sustaining enough support to remain in power.

5. The people have become apathetic, not caring what happens to the country. The Federal Government is made up of the parties rejected by the people in the 14th General Election because of corruption, stealing money and money laundering. It has no idea about administration. A dominant leader even declared that money borrowed by the Government need not to be paid.

6. Corruption is rampant and bureaucratic hassles deter investors. In the Johor state elections voters admit accepting money from the party that won.

7. One would have thought that the people would reject corrupt politicians. But no. They are winning elections to the point that they could form Governments after state elections. They truly believe that if general elections are held in the near future, they would win with good majorities through bribing the voters.

8. They believe, and apparently, they have good grounds for so believing, that the voters could be corrupted. And they have enough money to offer, because the money they had stolen from the Government is still with them.

9. It is even possible that a convict would be pardoned and be chosen as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The convict had already admitted that as PM he stole money, abused power, laundered stolen money and live a high life. Will he do it again? The chances are that he will.

10. What will happen to the country? Does not matter. The important thing is the money he is giving out. It may be stolen money. But that is his problem. You did not steal the money. It was given to you. So, take it even if it lasts only a day or two. Give him the vote.

11. That was the thinking in Melaka and in Johore. Will that also be the thinking in the 15th General Election!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

1. Malaysia berbangga dengan dakwaan bahawa kita berpegang kepada keluhuran undang-undang atau “the rule of law”. Tetapi kita diberitahu terdapat juga kedudukan above the law – atau pihak yang tidak tertakluk kepada undang-undang.

2. Perlembagaan tidak menyebut adanya keadaan tidak tertakluk kepada undang-undang. Tetapi terdapat beberapa peristiwa yang undang-undang dicabul dengan bebas. Pihak berkuasa bukan sahaja tidak bertindak tetapi mempermudahkan pencabulan berkenaan.

3. Rakyat tidak senang dengan keadaan ini. Jika ada peristiwa pencabulan undang-undang bagaimanakah mereka akan dapat perlindungan. Mereka berhak mendapat penjelasan setakat mana undang-undang boleh dicabul. Dan oleh siapa. Tanpa penjelasan berkenaan undang-undang yang tidak perlu dipatuhi, rakyat mungkin melaku sesuatu yang mendedah mereka kepada tindakan tertentu.

4. Sesungguhnya rakyat Malaysia amat “timid” atau mudah takut. Hanya jika disoal oleh polis mencukupi untuk menakutkan mereka. Sebab itu mereka tidak pun berani mengadu jika dicabul, atau berdepan dalam arena politik jauh sekali menjadi calon untuk parti lawan. Mereka akan suarakan penentangan mereka secara tersembunyi kerana mungkin akan disoal oleh polis atau sesuatu tekanan akan dikenakan kepada mereka. Ini sering diguna oleh pihak tertentu untuk melumpuh pihak lawan.

5. Dalam keadaan ini pihak tertentu bebas berrasuah dan berjenayah, jika mereka berkuasa. 

6. Hasilnya ialah negara mengalami pentadbiran yang buruk kerana sebenarnya tidak terlaksana the rule of law.

7. Akan hancurlah negara tercinta ini.

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