Tuesday, February 27, 2018


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Najib says Pakatan Harapan will be squabbling over who should be the Prime Minister if it wins. He seems to think that the four parties in the coalition cannot work together.

2. If he thinks so, why is he so afraid to register Pakatan Harapan, the coalition of the four opposition parties. Application for registration by PH has not been answered. He knows very well time is of the essence. The coalition has to use the same symbol in the ballot papers. It is important for the symbol to be well-known to the voters. BN’s and PAS symbols are well-known, having been around for more than half a century. Voters would not know the PH symbol unless it is promoted a long time before voting day.

3. On the other hand if the coalition is rejected now the four parties would be able to promote the alternative symbol they would use. Not knowing whether the coalition and it’s symbol would be approved or not puts the four parties in a quandary. They need to produce flags and banners etc, in their own names and symbols. If at the last moment the coalition is approved, much money would have been wasted. More money would have to be spent on producing common flags and buntings with the coalition symbols.

4. Najib knows very well that he has cut off funds for the opposition parties. They cannot waste the little money they have. But Najib has tonnes of money not only to pay for the flags and buntings but for corruption as well.

5. This is what Najib is doing. Every effort is made, legal or illegal, moral or immoral to sabotage the opposition.

6. It is not going to be a bersih election. If Najib wins you will get a thoroughly unprincipled PM, who is prepared to cheat in election and in his management of the country. You have already seen the scandals involving Najib, the huge loses of Government money, the huge debt he has burdened the country with. He has lost money belonging to the EPF, the Pension Fund, Felda money and Tabung Haji money. On the other hand he lives a lavish life-style with pink diamond rings and Hermes bags for his wife.

7. He sells Government land to pay debts. He borrows money to pay interest on his borrowing. It is just changing one lender for another. The huge debts are still there. Total debts now exceed 900 billion Ringgit. He will borrow more. He does not care that the nation will have to pay the debts.

8. If he is reelected he will continue to borrow more. Despite high exports and GDP, he has to squeeze the people for more money. He introduced the GST and other taxes. His tax people are demanding for more tax payments from individuals and companies without any basis. Companies and businesses, big and small are closing down. People have to pay more because of high cost of living. They don’t have money left for shopping or eating out.

9. Things can only get worse as he borrows more money for the East Coast Railway and the High Speed Railway.

10. 1MDB debts of billions are now passed on to the Ministry of Finance. We don’t hear of any profits from the operation of 1MDB, only losses. And we really don’t know where the billions he has borrowed and siphoned from KWSP, KWAP, Felda, Tabung Haji, have gone to. We have not been shown any audit that is credible.

11. Najib has to be stopped. The voters must come out in full force to reject BN and give their support to Pakatan Harapan. Do not vote for PAS either. They are only shunting away anti-BN votes so as to reduce support for PH. Actually PAS is supporting BN and Najib.

12. Voters may be confused by PH having so many symbols because it has not been approved. But you are safe if you don’t vote for the weighing scale and the moon.

Friday, February 23, 2018


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah Malaysia yang begitu ramai orang berada dalam ketakutan. Di zaman Jepun pun kita tidak berasa begitu takut.

2. Tetapi sekarang perasaan takut ini dirasai oleh ramai pegawai dan kakitangan Kerajaan, peniaga kecil dan besar dan orang biasa.

3. Apakah yang ditakuti oleh mereka. Mereka takut Najib. Pegawai dan kakitangan Kerajaan takut mengatakan yang benar kerana takut jika tidak disukai oleh Najib. Mereka takut mereka didera oleh Najib. Mereka takut dibuang kerja. Mereka takut diturun pangkat atau ditukar ke jawatan lain. Mereka takut apabila bersara tidak ada peluang jadi pengarah dalam syarikat Kerajaan.

4. Peniaga kecil dan besar takut sesuatu dilakukan kepada mereka jika mereka dilihat terlalu dekat dengan parti lawan atau pemimpin parti lawan. Ada yang diberi amaran supaya menjauhkan diri dari orang tertentu yang dianggap musuh Kerajaan.

5. Apakah yang boleh dilakukan terhadap yang ingkar. Bank tidak akan beri pinjaman. Jika diberi pun bermacam soalan dikenakan. Kontrak Kerajaan tidak mungkin diluluskan. Yang sudah dapat akan ditamatkan.

6. Bagi peniaga besar LHDN, Kastam atau Badan Pencegah Rasuah akan lawat. Mereka menyerbu dengan ramai pegawai untuk menggeledah pejabat. Walaupun sudah bayar semua cukai pendapatan atau cukai kastam, tambahan dituntut oleh pegawai. Tuntutan tambahan ini tidak berasas tetapi dituntut juga.

7. Jika tidak bayar buku-buku akaun mungkin dirampas, kononnya untuk diperiksa. Ini mengganggu perniagaan. Tuntutan tambahan ini kadang-kadang meningkat hingga berjuta ringgit. Peniaga tidak dapat bayar. Maka syarikat mungkin disenarai hitam dan pasport pengurus ditahan. Buku akaun akan dirampas dan perniagaan tergendala.

8. Bagi yang mendapat PTPTN, bayaran bulanan dinaikkan. Bagi yang tidak ada punca pendapatan, bayaran bulanan tidak dapat dibuat. Maka mereka tidak dibenar keluar negeri. Mereka akan ditahan apabila menunjuk pasport mereka semasa pemeriksaan oleh pegawai imigresen.

9. Ahli dan pemimpin kecil UMNO tidak berani berjumpa dengan ahli parti lawan. Umumnya ramai orang biasa yang tidak berani dilihat menyertai parti lawan, jauh sekali dari memegang jawatan dalam parti lawan.

10. Walaupun undi dirahsiakan tetapi masih ada usaha untuk kelirukan rakyat bahawa Kerajaan tahu siapa mengundi siapa. Dengan itu mereka takut mengundi lain dari BN.

11. Mereka yang menerima elaun yang tidak ada dalam jadual (nelayan umpamanya) atau BR1M takut mereka dikeluarkan dari senarai kelayakan.

12. Terdapat ramai orang yang membisik apabila bercakap berkenaan perasan tidak puas hati dengan Kerajaan. Mereka takut Najib akan dengar dan tindakan diambil ke atas mereka.

13. Akhbar dan majalah, cetak dan elektronik juga takut lesen mereka ditarik balik jika membuat laporan berkenaan perkara tertentu. Seperti ahli dan pemimpin UMNO, mereka elak dari menyebut berkenaan 1MDB dan wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Mesyuarat agung UMNO membisu berkenaan perkara-perkara yang menyentuh kenyataan oleh Jabatan Keadilan Amerika terhadap Najib. Mereka takut Najib marah.

14. Sesungguhnya rakyat Malaysia takut Najib. Ada mereka yang tahu akan salahlaku Najib kerana mereka berperanan menyediakan dokumen-dokumen bersangkutan dengan perlakuan salah oleh Najib, tetapi tidak berani menyatakan apa-apa.

15. Dilihat jelas bahawa hampir semua rakyat Malaysia berada dalam ketakutan kerana Najib dapat mengguna pegawai dan jabatan-jabatan dalam Kerajaan untuk menyeksa mereka. Yang amat menyedihkan ialah kakitangan Kerajaan di semua peringkat takut jika mereka tidak lakukan arahan Najib, walaupun arahan ini bertentangan dengan undang-undang negara, mereka dikenakan tindakan oleh Najib.

16. Ya. Sekarang ini rakyat Malaysia berada dalam ketakutan. Mereka takut Najib. Jika kerana takut Najib mereka pangkah BN, maka BN terus akan menang, maka akan berterusanlah iklim takut di Malaysia.

Friday, February 9, 2018


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Najib must know the whole country is against him. His chances of winning the 14th G.E. are almost nil.

2. He also knows the direct consequences for him if he loses. He would be charged in court and he may find himself in jail.

3. Knowing all these, he must make sure he would not lose. By hook and most certainly by crook he must win.

4. One of the things he is likely to do if he loses by a small margin is to declare a state of emergency and to suspend parliament. He would set up a Mageran type of Government and rule the country by decree.

5. To do this he will need the support of mainly the army chief and the police chief.

6. When Marcos was ruling the Philippines as a dictator, he had the support of army and police chiefs. But when he caused Aquino to be assassinated, the chiefs withdrew their support. With that the people took to the streets and demanded the removal of Marcos as President. The people power movement was successful because Marcos had lost the support of the chiefs.

7. In Malaysia currently the Inspector General of Police and Chief of the armed forces are supporters of the Prime Minister or at least are compliant to what he does. Even when he clearly breaks the law they appear not to be concerned.

8. Najib’s misrule is far more serious than Marcos. There is clear evidence that he has stolen Government money. In the eyes of the world his abuse of power is acknowledged. Najib’s Malaysia is described as a kleptocracy, not a democracy any more. The rule of law is blatantly ignored by Najib. Corruption by him is rampant.

9. The question is whether the support would continue if he seizes power following the election. At this moment the people believe the possibility is real, very real. Only an overwhelming victory of the opposition will prevent this.

10. If Najib wins the consequences would be terrible. This country will become bankrupt as total debt now is almost one trillion Ringgit. Najib has been selling chunks of Malaysia in order to pay debts. All the best land have been sold. There will come a time when he would not be able to raise money to pay debts. When that time comes, Malaysia would become a bankrupt country.

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