Friday, October 29, 2021

1. Diantara negeri-negeri Melayu di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Empayar Johor adalah yang terbesar dan terkaya. Ia termasuk kepulauan di selatan Singapura, iaitu Riau, pulau-pulau Batam, Bentan dan beberapa yang lain.

2. Di zaman British peta Tanah Melayu tidak menunjuk pulau-pulau ini. Kesannya ialah penduduk Malaya tidak sedar adanya banyak pulau di selatan Singapura. Lebih-lebih lagi mereka tidak tahu yang pulau-pulau ini adalah milik negeri Johor.

3. Apa yang berlaku ialah di zaman kolonial tidak ada sesiapa yang bantah apabila Belanda menjadikan pulau-pulau ini sebagai sebahagian dari Dutch East Indies atau Hindia Timur Belanda.

4. Apabila Belanda diusir oleh tentera Indonesia, pulau-pulau ini pun jadi sebahagian dari Republik Indonesia.

5. Apabila merdeka, Malaya dan kemudian Malaysia tidak pernah tuntut pulau-pulau ini. Kita tidak pun sebut dalam sejarah bahawa pulau-pulau ini asalnya sebahagian dari Empayar Johor. Ahli Keluarga Hang Tuah, Hang Nadim meninggal di sana. Lapangan Terbang Hang Nadim di Batam dinamakan dengan nama beliau.

6. Sejarah mencerita berbagai kejadian yang kita lupakan dengan sengaja. Kemegahan Empayar Johor dan besarnya wilayah Johor tidak pun disebut dalam sejarah Johor. Sebaliknya Johor sudah jadi “hinterlandSingapura, yang bergantung kepada Singapura untuk kemajuannya. Demikian kita bantu untuk Singapura jadi lebih luas dengan tanah kita.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

1. Akhbar lapor bahawa Singapura memerlukan bekalan elektrik dan akan beli dari Malaysia.

2. Mungkin kerana itu Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa hanya bekalan dari punca yang non-renewable sahaja yang boleh dieksport ke Singapura. Juga eskport melalui saluran milik swasta tidak dibenar.

3. Tetapi umum tahu bahawa kita sedang eksport air ke Singapura dengan harga 3 sen seribu gelen. Kita juga tahu seludupan pasir laut dan darat sedang dilakukan.

4. Sebaliknya jika kita eksport tenaga dari cahaya matahari dan angin, Malaysia tidak kehilangan apa-apa.

5. Saya kurang faham dengan dasar Kerajaan hari ini. Dengan keputusan ini pelaburan yang tidak kecil dan peluang kerja terhalang.

Najib Razak

6. Najib Razak telah dihukum penjara dan denda kerana kesalahan money laundering.

7. Kononnya kerana ia membuat rayuan hukuman tidak dilaksana.

8. Tarikh kes rayuan ialah pada April 2021. Sepanjang masa ia bebas seperti orang yang tidak salah. Kes tidak didengar kerana bermacam alasan.

9. Dia boleh hadir ke Dewan walaupun tidak dapat ke mahkamah. Adakala kononnya sakit.

10. Mahkamah Rayuan mendengar rayuan Najib. Tetapi keputusan ditangguh. Sudah enam bulan berlalu. Mahkamah belum buat keputusan.

11. Sekarang banduan ini dibenar ke Singapura.

12. Peguam Negara tidak bantah

13. Najib ubah tarikh kerana dipilih oleh UMNO sebagai pengurus dalam pilihan raya Melaka. Ini juga dilulus.

14. Bilakah Najib akan dapat keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan. Jika didapati bersalah, Najib akan rayu kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan.

15. Ini juga akan ambil masa. PRU ke-15 pun sudah tiba. Najib belum disah oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan yang ia bersalah.

16. Tentu boleh bertanding dalam PRU-15.

17. Rakyat tentu berbangga. Curi 10-ringgit masuk penjara serta merta.

18. Curi satu billion-ringgit boleh lepas dari penjara.

19. Ramailah penyangak dan perasuah sekarang bebas menjelajah seluruh dunia sementara hukuman ditangguh atau pertuduhan dibatal.

20. Sekali lagi dunia kagum melihat Malaysia, contoh demokrasi yang liberal di mana yang menang kalah, yang kalah menang, yang curi sedikit dipenjara, yang curi bertimbun bebas.

21. Syabas Malaysia.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

1. Tidak wajar kita banding Langkawi dengan Pulau Batu Puteh.

2. Langkawi adalah pulau yang diiktiraf sebagai pulau milik Malaysia sedangkan Pulau Batu Puteh ialah beting atau dengan izin sandbank yang dituntut oleh dua negara.

3. Langkawi tidak pernah dituntut oleh Siam dan pegawai Kerajaan negeri Kedah tidak pernah menyatakan kepada Siam bahawa Kedah tidak anggap Langkawi bukan milik Kedah.

4. Sebaliknya Kerajaan Johor melalui surat telah menyatakan bahawa Johor tidak menuntut Pulau Batu Puteh sebagai milik Kerajaan Johor.

5. Kemudian Malaysia mendakwa Pulau Batu Puteh adalah milik Malaysia. Maka ini dipertikai oleh Singapura. Dan berlakulah kontroversi.

6. Percubaan secara rundingan untuk Malaysia memiliki semula Pulau Batu Puteh bertahun-tahun tidak berjaya. Singapura masih mendakwa Pulau Batu Puteh adalah milik Singapura.

7. Apa pilihan kita?

8. Kita boleh berperang untuk rampas Pulau Batu Puteh. Tetapi kos dan korbanan jiwa amat tinggi. Ia tidak dapat diterima oleh kita. Lagi pun belum tentu kita menang.

9. Kita terus berunding tetapi tidak menghasil apa-apa keputusan.

10. Kita, dan juga Singapura bersetuju untuk rujuk kepada International Court of Justice (ICJ).

11. Tetapi untuk ini kedua-dua pihak perlu berjanji secara bertulis akan menerima apa sahaja keputusan yang dibuat oleh ICJ. Tidak ada rayuan terhadap keputusan ICJ. Keputusan ICJ adalah muktamad.

12. Rujukan kepada ICJ hanya akan diterima oleh ICJ jika perjanjian menerima tanpa soal dan keputusannya dihormati.

13. Negara yang bermaruah mesti hormati janji. Hanya negara yang tidak bermaruah yang akan mungkir janji.

14. Muktamad adalah muktamad. Jika sebuah negara tidak hormati janji, tidak ada negara lain yang akan buat perjanjian dengan negara berkenaan. Ia menjadi negara pariah.

15. Sebab itu sebelum berjanji kajian sedalam-dalamnya perlu dibuat. Jika tidak yakin jangan buat janji.

16. Malaysia mempunyai dasar liberal dalam pemilikan tanah. Siapa sahaja boleh milik tanah. Bukan warganegara pun boleh milik tanah.

17. Ini mendedahkan negara pada kehilangan tanah yang sudah dimiliki oleh orang asing. Jika sebahagian yang besar tanah dimiliki oleh orang asing maka negara sudah tidak lagi secara fizikal, tanah milik warganegara.

18. Inilah yang berlaku di Singapura. Walaupun Singapura asalnya milik negeri Melayu, hari ini ia sudah jadi negara asing.

19. Hari ini walaupun negara ini dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu, tetapi orang Melayu sendiri sudah kehilangan tanah mereka. Nasib baik yang memiliki tanah yang bernilai tinggi dan besar dimiliki oleh warga Malaysia.

20. Satu lagi cara untuk hilang negara ialah dengan menjual tanah yang digali dalam negara atau laut milik negara kepada negara lain. Secara langsung kita menjual sebahagian dari negara kepada negara lain. Jika tanah yang dijual adalah untuk menambak dan membesar negara lain, dia tidak berbeza dengan menjual bahagian-bahagian tertentu negara kepada negara lain.

21. Hari ini kita jual air dan tanah berlori-lori dan berkapal-kapal ke negara lain guna untuk membesar negara mereka.

22. Atau kita jual laut untuk ditambak dan dimiliki serta diduduki oleh orang lain, keadaannya tidak berbeza dari menjual bahagian-bahagian negara kepada negara asing.

23. Kita jual Singapura. Lazimnya apabila penjajah tidak lagi berminat, tanah yang dijual dikembalikan kepada negara asal. Itulah yang terjadi kepada Hong Kong, Goa, Pondicherry. Tetapi tidak Singapura. Tanah dan air yang kita jual ke Singapura untuk membesar pulau itu menjadi kawasan milik penduduk Singapura, dibangun di bawah kuasa Kerajaan Singapura.

24. Itulah sebabnya Kerajaan Malaysia melarang penjualan tanah kita dan mempertikai jualan air kepada negara asing. Malangnya beberapa pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia rela untuk dibayar 3 sen untuk 1000 gelen air mentah kepada negara asing kerana malas atau takut menuntut hak.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

1. Why is it that the political parties in Malaysia are race-based? The answer is that Malaysians insist on retaining their identification with their countries of origin.

2. This is not so in other multiracial countries. The migrants from other countries, upon accepting citizenship adopt the language, culture and loyalties to their adopted countries completely. They get fully assimilated after one or two generations.

3. But in Malaysia the migrants, despite being citizens insist not only on being recognised as of different origins from the indigenous people but are physically separated through their economic functions and their political affiliations.

4. Pejuang is race-based. It is a Malay party. It has to be because it expects to contest against UMNO, a Malay party. And it expects to do this in the rural areas where the population is largely Malay. These people would not support a multiracial party. In the absence of any other Malay party, the rural people will vote for UMNO. Besides UMNO is rich and rural Malays are poor. Money means a lot to them. Pejuang is the alternative.

5. There are issues but race and money are more important.

6. Pejuang has no money. It depends on race and its anti-corruption campaign.

7. As long as we retain our identification with our countries of origin, politics and political parties in Malaysia will remain racial.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

1. The public generally believes that all those who are in a position of power must be corrupt. You can do your best to reject corruption but no one will believe you.

2. Throughout my career I had rejected corruption. I did my best to show that I was not corrupt when I was the Prime Minister.

3. I did not live a lavish life. Yes, I built two houses but they were built with Government loans to which I was entitled and through borrowing from a bank. They were not expensive and I was able to pay the loans with my salary and allowance as Prime Minister. I don’t owe anything to anyone since then.

4. Actually my pay was more than sufficient to support me and my family. It was sufficient because the Government provides me with housing, pay my electricity and water bills, make available to me several motor vehicles, even airplanes for my use.

5. I get paid allowances for moving around the country to do my work or even when taking holidays abroad.

6. The only thing I had to pay for is the food I and my family consumed and my clothing. Even this was not much as I get invited to functions where food was served.

7. I did not ask for scholarships for my children. I could afford to pay for their education. As Prime Minister, I earned more than ten times what I earned as a private medical practitioner.

8. I bought no shares except for 200 British American Tobacco shares which I bought before I became a member of Parliament. The only shares I bought after I joined the Government were those in Permodalan Nasional and other official funds when I launched those funds. But usually not more than 1,000 shares. The return was not big. I did not sell or buy these shares. They remain with the funds and they grow as I did not take dividends. I did not buy shares in the stock market.

9. My children were not allowed to do business with the Government. They were not even allowed to be involved in politics. Certainly not to join UMNO. Most of the business they did when I was Prime Minister were in foreign countries. I did not want to be accused of nepotism.

10. As President of UMNO I was often offered donations for the party. All those donations were given to UMNO. I kept nothing. In fact, I paid for all the campaigning for my own elections. In those days payments for party workers were small and affordable. The normal party allocation for the constituency during elections went to the division and was spent for its management and the conduct of the election. I paid for the cigarettes and nasi lemak occasionally.

11. As Prime Minister I received a lot of gifts. I did not regard them as given to me personally. I regarded them as gifts to the Office of Prime Minister. Accordingly, I registered them as properties of the Government, especially the motor cars. All these gifts are in the Galleria in Langkawi and in my old (Prime Minister’s official) residence in Kuala Lumpur.

12. All these things I did and more to avoid being accused of corruption. But still, I am accused of being corrupt. In fact, many people believe that I have huge amounts of money stashed abroad. No evidence has been revealed that I had this great wealth. But that does not mean that it is not true that I did not have this wealth. It is just that I am said to be clever at hiding my great wealth.

13. This refusal to admit that I am not corrupt affects my efforts to clean up the country of corruption. When I try to campaign against corruption people became cynical. They just cannot believe I am sincere because apparently, I myself am so corrupt.

14. Yet this anti-corruption campaign is very important as I see how corruption is destroying the country. It has come to the stage when Governments can be bought through corruption. And when such a Government is installed, Government funds would be stolen and the country just cannot develop. It will become poorer and poorer and would fail as a nation.

15. The people will suffer as the cost of dealing with the Government would become prohibitive and service would deteriorate. Investments would decline and job creation would not meet the demand of the unemployed workers.

16. So what, some would say. Many countries would be like us.

17. Well, if we are ready and willing to become a failed country it is okay.

18. But we would be looked down upon and would be begging from the rich. We cannot stand tall and be respected.

19. Because of this, I think it is important to elect Governments that are not corrupt.

20. Generally the people do not trust politicians. They believe all of them are corrupt. So, many people have decided not to vote in elections.

21. If people do not vote in elections, the corrupt politicians will win as they would bribe their corrupt supporters to vote for them. Then the Government of Malaysia would continue to be led by corrupt politicians.

22. But I believe most people do not want corruption to cause us to become a failed nation. We want to become a successful nation. For this to happen we have to fight against corruption.

23. How do we fight corruption. We can campaign to instill in the minds of people the rejection of corruption. We can explain the harm that corruption can do to us, to our society, and to our nation. We must make people be aware that corruption is not only about civil servants accepting bribes for the service they are expected to give, but corruption can result in crooks bribing to win elections and form Governments or members of Parliament being bribed to bring down an elected Government and replacing it with corrupt Government.

24. In Malaysia we have reached the stage where crooks can buy members of elected Governments so as to bring down the Government and replace it with corrupt members.

25. By this time the whole population will become corrupt as the corrupt Government will use Government funds to give citizens money to buy support. The cost of doing business would be high, few will invest and businesses will make little profits. With that taxes will not yield enough revenue for the Government. Pay for Government employees, would be reduced. Their purchases would decrease. Retail businesses would suffer, lose profit, pay less tax and Government funds would be unable to sustain the services for the people.

26. The country will become poorer and poorer and will be forced to borrow money or beg for aid. The decline of the country would be continuous and all the people would suffer.

27. Clearly, if we do not want these to happen. If we do not want to become beggars, we must reject and rid our country of corruption.

28. For this we must reject corrupt people from winning elections and forming Governments.

29. We must monitor closely the performance of Governments. There will be false accusation. These will only be accepted if materially proven. It is common for the corrupt to deflect accusations against them by accusing their accusers of being equally corrupt.

30. The struggle against corruption is a holy struggle. In this struggle, we must all be willing to make sacrifices.

* This article first appeared in Astro Awani on Sept 30, 2021 

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