Tuesday, November 30, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Nampaknya ada orang yang berbuih mulut tuduh saya dapat macam-macam daripada Kerajaan selepas bersara dari jawatan Perdana Menteri.

2. Ada juga dikeluar “bukti” berkenaan pajakan tanah di Langkawi. Pajakan dengan bayaran bukan makna hadiah. Bukan dapat free, diskaun pun tidak.

3. Agaknya orang ini cuba nak alih pandangan dari masalah dia “tolak” permintaan dia sendiri untuk dapat hartanah mewah dari Kerajaan. Ada orang beritahu saya mewah tahap kayangan.

4. Saya akui saya pajak tanah. Pajak, bukan minta. Pajak kena bayar. Tak dapat free pun. Saya juga beli dua keping tanah di Langkawi selepas bersara. Tidak ada yang saya dapat percuma sebagai hadiah dari Kerajaan Persekutuan atau Negeri. Sebaliknya kos sewaan dinaikkan berkali ganda sehingga saya serah balik kepada LADA, Langkawi.

5. Bermacam usaha saya lakukan, ternak kerbau, buat keju, tanam sayuran. Ada yang berjaya, ada yang tidak. Yang tidak “economically viable” apabila sewa dinaikkan oleh LADA, saya kembalikan pajakan pada pihak berkuasa.

6. Kalau ada salah laku, siasatlah. Dah 18 tahun saya berhenti dari Kerajaan semasa jadi Perdana Menteri pertama kali. Selama itu, saya jadi Perdana Menteri semula 22 bulan. Apabila jadi PM kali kedua, pencen saya dihentikan. Pencen diberi balik selepas saya berhenti dari jadi PM kali kedua.

7. Macam-macam tuduhan yang dibuat tentang “salah laku” saya. Kalau benar dakwa lah. Kalau bersalah hukumlah.

8. Malahan masa saya mula buka mulut pasal 1MDB berbagai usaha nak tuduh saya buat salah dilakukan kepimpinan masa itu.

9. Bila gagal sampai tukang masak saya pun di lucut jawatan.

10. Isteri saya pun turut disoal siasat. LHDN pula siasat anak-anak saya.

11. Alhamdulillah, cukai semua dibayar ikut undang-undang dan tak timbul hutang cukai sampai berbilion. Jadi tak perlu mintak pelepasan passport untuk ke luar negara.

12. Saya ingat buat masa ini saya tak perlu lah jelaskan apa-apa. Kalau pihak berkuasa terbabit nak jelas tentang pajakan-pajakan saya, sila lah.

13. Tidak ada apa-apa yang nak saya sembunyi pun. “Nothing to Hide”.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Malaysia is said to believe in the rule of law. The essence of the rule of law is that it must apply equally to every individual. There may be a range of punishment in consideration of the seriousness or otherwise of the crime. But everyone is entitled to be punished within the same range of fines or imprisonment.

2. Still monarchs are given certain exemption but for most crimes the law applies equally.

3. In Malaysia we are seeing blatant discrimination in the practice of the law. Specifically, we see vastly different treatment between Anwar Ibrahim and Najib Razak.

4. While the police broke Anwar’s door and arrested him, handcuffed and thrown into a police car to be detained before he was charged in court, Najib was never arrested or handcuffed or taken to a lockup in a police car. He goes to the court in his car and after the hearing he went home. Yet the charges against him are more serious.

5. Even when he was found guilty and sentenced to 12 years jail and a fine of more than 200 million Ringgit, he has not paid his fine or been jailed simply because he had appealed his case.

6. When a person is found guilty, he is guilty until the appeal court decide that he is innocent. But the appeal court has not decided that he is innocent. Therefore, he is guilty and he should serve his sentence. But he is treated like an innocent person, not paying his fine or jailed.

7. As far as is known no other person has been treated this way. More than that he is now allowed to leave the country. Again, there is no such precedent anywhere.

8. With Najib remaining free, it has allowed him to undermine the High Court’s decision and inevitably undermine the whole institution. And given Najib’s sphere of influence, he is able to spread this mischief among his followers who are naive and gullible.

9. On what basis are these privileges given to Najib when it was not given to Anwar or any other convicted person. Clearly the rule of law has not been applied equally between them. All these may be claimed as legal but they are not in accordance with the rule of law.

10. And now the Government has decided to reward him for his so-called service to the country. Yes, other retired Prime Ministers have been awarded old Government houses in recognition of their service. These PMs have not committed any crime and had not been found guilty of stealing Government money. Najib borrowed billions of Ringgit which have not been recovered. Now the Government has to pay interest on the loans amounting to 2 billion Ringgit a year for decades. Government will also have to pay the loans amounting to 40 billion Ringgit.

11. Yet the Government proposes to reward Najib with RM66 million worth of land and build a house at RM40 million Ringgit for Najib. Legal but not in accord with requirement for equal treatment before the law.

12. Najib is a convicted criminal who had lost billions of Ringgit of Government money. But the Government of Ismail Sabri thinks stealing and losing Government money and forcing the Government to pay billions back for the loan that Najib had borrowed deserved to be rewarded with 100 million Ringgit.

13. What is clear is that the Government of Ismail Sabri has not adhered to the equality before the laws as expected by the rule of law. No other convicted person in Malaysia has been treated the way Najib is being treated.

14. There is a need for the Governments of Mahiaddin Yassin (Perikatan Nasional) and Ismail Sabri to explain why the treatment of a convict like Datuk Seri Najib is different from all other convicts in Malaysia, all other retired PMs of Malaysia.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Kerajaan Ismail Sabri bersetuju untuk memberi tanah dan membuat rumah yang bernilai RM100,000,000 konon sebagai menghargai khidmat Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri.

2. Apa dianya sumbangan Najib kepada negara? Yang kita tahu ialah ia didapati bersalah mencuri duit Kerajaan, menghilang duit Kerajaan berbillion Ringgit. Dia dihukum penjara 12 tahun dan denda lebih dari 200 juta Ringgit. Ia sedang dibicara terhadap lebih 800 juta $AS yang ada dalam banknya. Dan dia tidak dapat jelas bagaimana ia memperoleh wang yang sebegitu banyak. Ini bukan perkara lama. Ini perkara sekarang dan masa depan kerana sampai puluhan tahun Kerajaan Malaysia terpaksa bayar faedah sebanyak 2 billion Ringgit setahun dan hutang pokok 42 billion. Anak cucu kita akan tanggung beban ini.

3. Ia juga merosak parti UMNO yang buat pertama kali kalah dalam PRU-14. Pentadbiran negara juga dirosakkan sehingga pegawai tinggi terpaksa dihentikan kerana rasuah.

4. Ekonomi negara hancur. Dan sekarang ini keadaan politik tidak stabil sehingga dalam masa tiga tahun berlaku pertukaran Perdana Menteri tiga kali.

5. Negara ini yang dahulu dikenali sebagai Asian Tiger sekarang menjadi kleptokrasi iaitu negara pencuri yang diperintah oleh pencuri, hasil pemerintahan Datuk Seri Najib.

6. Dunia pandang hina kepada Malaysia sekarang.

7. Untuk semua ini dan banyak lagi Kerajaan Ismail Sabri melulus 2.7 ekar tanah bernilai 60 juta Ringgit lebih dan akan bangun sebuah rumah bernilai RM40 juta kerana mengenang “jasa” Najib.

8. Tunku Abd Rahman yang menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan berjaya memerdekakan negara hanya dapat sebuah rumah papan. Rumah Tun Razak dijadi monument. Tun Hussein pun tidak dapat apa-apa yang bernilai tinggi. Tun Rahah dapat rumah Kerajaan yang sedia ada.

9. Saya jadi Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun tidak tuntut dan tidak dapat apa-apa selain dari pencen dan RM10,000 sebulan untuk selenggara rumah yang didiri oleh saya sendiri. Sebidang tanah di Putrajaya telah ditawar kepada saya secara percuma apabila saya bersara tetapi saya telah tolak dan sebaliknya saya beli tanah di Putrajaya dengan harga seperti yang ditawar kepada penjawat awam apabila bersara.

10. Setiap tahun saya bayar cukai tanah sebanyak RM6,071 dan cukai taksiran sebanyak RM1,792.

11. Najib yang menghancurkan negara sehingga menjadi kleptokrasi pula akan diberi RM100,000,000 tanpa dilulus oleh Parlimen – bahkan dirahsia. Najib membuat permohonan sedangkan bekas Perdana Menteri lain tidak buat permohonan untuk tanah tertentu. Sama ada Kerajaan susulan hendak balas budi atau tidak adalah hak Kerajaan.

12. Dunia ketawa melihat Malaysia di mana seorang banduan yang lesap berbillion Ringgit begitu disanjung tinggi dan dihormati.

13. Sebagaimana biasa Najib cuba salahkan saya kerana buat pindaan pada tahun 2003 kepada Akta Saraan Ahli Parlimen 1980.

14. Pindaan itu bertujuan untuk Kerajaan menimbang memberi sedikit ganjaran kepada bekas Perdana Menteri sebagai mengenang jasa mereka. Biasanya ganjaran yang diberi ialah rumah Kerajaan yang sedia ada.

15. Ia tidak bertujuan untuk memberi kemewahan atau kekayaan kepada bekas Perdana Menteri.

16. Perdana Menteri tidak perlu kepada banyak ganjaran selepas bersara kerana pencen, gratuiti dan elaun yang diperolehi lebih dari mencukupi untuk membina rumah sendiri yang selesa. Itulah yang saya lakukan.

17. Kita boleh hargai jasa seseorang Perdana Menteri tetapi tidaklah sampai menjadinya millionaire. Sumbangan mereka sebenarnya juga perlu diambil kira. Bagi seorang Perdana Menteri yang merosakan negara sehingga dihukum penjara, perlukah kita beri hadiah sampai 100 juta, sedangkan yang merdekakan negara diberi hanya sebuah rumah dinding papan berbumbung genting sahaja?

Thursday, November 18, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Kings in Europe used to have absolute power. And this resulted in abuses, in oppression of the people. And so the people rebelled and did away with monarchy.

2. But many nations are loath to do away with their kings. And so they invented constitutional monarchs who head the nation but have no executive power. Instead the elected Government acts in the name of the King.

3. To ensure this the King is required to act on the advice of the Prime Minister or members of the cabinet. But certain matters are stated to be the prerogative of the King.

4. In Malaysia the King has absolute power to determine:
i. The dissolution of Parliament
ii. Matters concerning the institution of the King
iii. The appointment of the Prime Minister
iv. Proclamation of the Emergency

5. Although the King is required to accept the advice of the Prime Minister, he has also to consider the merits of the advice. It is important to remember that in the treaties between the Malay Rulers and the British, the stipulation was that the advice of the British Adviser or Residents, must be accepted and acted upon. There is no such stipulation with regard to the advice of the Prime Minister or his Ministers.

6. And so, when in 2020 the Prime Minister advised the King to declare a state of emergency the first time, the Agong rejected the advice. There was no state of emergency.

7. However, the Agong accepted the advice of the Prime Minister when in January 2021 he again advised that a state of emergency be declared. Subsequently a bulletin was issued by the Government spelling out the conditions of the emergency.

8. It is not clear whether the Agong was presented with this bulletin when the advice was given by the Prime Minister. But the bulletin contains several provisions which contravened the Constitution and the laws of Malaysia.

9. Firstly the proclamation of emergency should be laid before Parliament. This was not done. Then Parliament was not allowed to sit. This again was against the Constitution.

10. The Prime Minister gave himself the right to make laws, including raising loans without approval of Parliament. This is against the Constitution.

11. The Ordinance also made all action taken by the Government as being made by the Agong or anyone authorised by the Agong. There is no mention that the Agong acts on the advice of the Prime Minister.

12. Yet the Prime Minister insist that even in an emergency the Agong can only act on his advice. But at the same time a body is set up to determine when the emergency should be terminated and to advise the King. This body is independent and yet has a right to advise the King. So the King may be advised not only by the PM but also by an independent body. Clearly it is not always that the King acts on the advice of the PM.

13. The constitutional monarchy system is to deprive the King from exercising executive power. But what happens if it is the elected Government which abuses power.

14. Constitutionally the people can overthrow the Government through a vote of non-confidence in Parliament. But what if the Government did not allow Parliament to sit.

15. The only other recourse is through a general election. But currently an election cannot be held because of the pandemic.

16. The only way out is for the King to exercise his discretionary power. As with his initial rejection of the emergency, the King can disregard his acceptance of the PM’s advice when it has not been debated and approved by Parliament.

17. The King has the discretion to appoint a Prime Minister. But Parliament may reject the Prime Minister named by the King. But since Parliament does not sit, it cannot reject the King’s nominee.

18. The country is under emergency rule. The provision of the Constitution and the ordinary laws are suspended. But the situation in the country has become untenable because the Government is not able to deal with multiple crises due to the pandemic, the collapse of the economy, the social sufferings of the people and the breakdown of the political system.

19. Then the Prime Minister was forced to appoint a Deputy Prime Minister (DPM). He could not appoint someone from his own party. He had to appoint a DPM from UMNO, the party that was rejected in the 14th General Election (GE).

20. The moment he did this, UMNO withdrew 15 members from the Perikatan Nasional (Muhyiddin) Government. The Government was overthrown. Since a general election could not be held, the 222 members of Dewan Rakyat had to indicate their choice of a PM.

21. The 15 UMNO members whose withdrawal brought Muhyiddin’s Government down then rejoined all the other members of PN and supported the UMNO DPM. With this the defeated UMNO became the Government again.

22. All these actions were legal but it deprived the people of their right to choose the Government democratically. There is therefore a need to put a stop to this abuse of the constitution of the country.

Monday, November 15, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Ever since independence Malaysia has been ruled by multiracial but predominantly Malay Governments. The Malays form the backbone of the Governments simply because Malays make up the majority of the citizens of the country.

2. But the Malay dominated Governments had accorded the non-Malays certain rights which other multi racial countries do not allow. Thus the other races were allowed to retain their identification with their countries of origin, their languages and cultures, their schools, their NGO’s and civil organisations, their Chambers of Commerce, associations, assembly halls, sporting teams and clubs etc.

3. There is no requirement to assimilate with the indigenous Malays and other bumiputras. The official language is Malay but except in official documents other languages can be spoken and used in private communication, newspapers, radio and TV and the alternative media. By the same token, Islam is the national (official?) religion but other religions can be adhered to and practiced in any language. The only requirement is that all Malays must be Muslims. Their conversion to other religion is prohibited.

4. By any standard the Malaysian liberalism towards non-Malays is unprecedented. And there is very little conflict between the peoples of different races. Malaysia is much more stable and peaceful than many other multiracial countries or even single-ethnic countries in the world.

5. Parti Pejuang Tanah Air is a Malay political party. While it will strive to bring up the Malays to approximately the same economic level as the non-Malays, particularly the Chinese, it will adhere to all the liberal policies and privileges that Malaysia accords the non-Malays.

6. In addition to that, a Pejuang dominated Government will uphold democratic principles and the rule of laws. It will reject and outlaw all kinds of abuses of power and corruption by the Government and the administration.

7. It will practice good governance with the objective of making Malaysia a developed country by 2030 or earlier.

8. This is our pledge. Supporting Pejuang is supporting Malaysia and Malaysians. While the Malays can hope to catch up, the others will not lose their places and opportunities.

Thursday, November 11, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Parti Pejuang Tanah Air sebelum ini telah umum bahawa kami tidak akan turut serta di dalam Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Melaka.

2. Walau bagaimanapun saya dapat tahu ada sesetengah pihak cuba kaitkan Pejuang dan saya dengan individu tertentu yang bertanding sebagai calon bebas.

3. Ingin ditegaskan sekali lagi, Pejuang dan saya tidak menyokong sesiapa di dalam PRN Melaka jauh sekali meletak calon proksi.

4. Saya harap dengan penjelasan ini tidak lagi ada sesiapa yang akan cuba kaitkan saya, mahupun Pejuang dengan mana-mana calon yang bertanding.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Hasmah and I are deeply saddened on hearing news of the passing of Tan Sri JJ Raj on Saturday, Nov 6.

2. He is to us a towering figure not only for the force he had served so loyally since pre-Independent Malaya, but also to the rest of the nation.

3. I had written to him in July, firstly to wish him a Happy Birthday and secondly, to congratulate him on reaching his centennial.

4. At my age, not many are older than me. And JJ Raj was sprightly at 100!

5. We shared some common habits in our lifestyle such as eating in moderation. And as an author himself, both of us believed in reading and writing to keep the mind and body healthy.

6. JJ Raj replied to my letter and proposed that once the pandemic was over, we could have “a nice cup of tea or healthy makan together as we take a stroll down memory lane”.

7. I was really looking forward to it. As I said, not many are older than me left to share that path down memory lane.

8. To those who knew him, we have truly lost a model citizen, a man of integrity and courage. Rest in peace my friend.

Monday, November 8, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Malaysia was much concerned with the struggle of Bosnia Herzegovina to free itself from Serbian ruled Yugoslavia. Croatia, another part of Yugoslavia had already separated.

2. Bosnia Herzegovina was the only part of Yugoslavia where the people were Muslims. The Croats were Catholic and the Serbs Orthodox Christian. Under Tito they had lived in peace with each other. But now the Serbs were oppressing the Croats and the Muslims.

3. Malaysia can claim that it helped the Muslim Bosniaks to fight the Serbs. It was a fierce war. The Muslims were outnumbered and outgunned. But they were winning.

4. At that stage America stepped in to stop the war. They forced through the Dayton Agreement. Clearly the Dayton Agreement favoured the Serbs.

5. Bosnia Herzegovina was effectively split into two. Almost half of it was given to the Serbs. It was ruled solely by the Serbs and was called Republika Srpska. The Croats and the Bosniaks had no role in its Government.

6. The rest of Bosnia Herzegovina was to be ruled by Bosniacs Serbs and Croat through three Presidents, each chairing for one year. This is the Dayton Agreement. Sponsored by the United States. Quite obviously the Bosniacs were the losers.

7. But the Bosniacs did not protest. They tried with difficulty to work with the hostile Croats and Serbs. But now they are going to lose more.

8. The Serbs of Republika Srpska want to secede from Bosnia Herzegovina. They have the tacit support of Europe and America.

9. The Europeans are said to believe in justice and fairness. But more than that is the wish to make Europe exclusive to the Christians. They call Europe Christendom, the abode of the Christians. They regard the presence of Muslims in Europe as an aberration, an intolerable smudge to Christendom.

10. As a result when the Europeans tried to stop the massacre of the Muslims in Bosnia Herzegovina they failed to do so. At Srebrenica, Dutch troops tasked with protecting the Muslims actually moved away when the Serbs attacked Srebrenica.

11. Left unprotected the unarmed Muslims were captured by Serbian soldiers. Then they began a systematic killing of all the men and boys who were captured. The Dutch troops did nothing to stop this massacre.

12. Altogether 12,000 men and boys were shot or bludgeoned to death. It was a war crime but later the Dutch troops who failed to stop the massacre were exonerated.

13. The Bosniac may have to fight another war to retain the entity called Bosnia Herzegovina. But Europe is not going to do anything to stop the killing of the Muslim Bosniacs. They will close their eyes.

14. This time around the Bosniacs will get no help from anyone. The Russians will back the Serbs. So will all the eastern Europeans.

15. We talk much about human rights, about war crimes. We sign international agreements on the conduct of wars. But in the end all these codes mean nothing even to the proponents. If you are weak, you lose and you perish.

Monday, November 1, 2021


blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 
1. Saya tidak mengguna mata wang crypto. Saya juga tidak galak orang mengguna tersebut. Saya pegang kepada fiat money atau mata wang fiat, atau wang fizikal.

2. Jika ada promosi dalam iklan atau laman web yang kononnya saya galak kegunaan mata wang crypto, ianya palsu.

3. Pejabat saya sebelum ini ada buat laporan terhadap iklan jenis ini yang kononnya saya melabur dan menggalak kegunaan crypto currency ini.

4. Iklan-iklan itu palsu. Saya difahamkan ada yang terpedaya. Sesetengah iklan itu seolah-olah disiar media tempatan.

5. Saya difahamkan media tempatan juga sudah dimaklum dan mereka sudah buat laporan kepada pihak berkuasa.

6. Pihak awam perlu maklum bahawa perkara seperti ini tidak mudah ditangani kerana pelbagai laman web dan iklan palsu dapat dibangun dengan cepat.

7. Tutup satu, timbul sepuluh.

8. Penipuan dan pemalsuan mengguna nama saya berlaku sebelum zaman media sosial dan internet lagi. Dari dulu juga ada yang terpedaya dengan promosi palsu peluang niaga yang kononnya libatkan diri saya.

9. Ada laporan dibuat dan tindakan diambil. Ada yang tidak. Sesiapa yang sangsi, boleh periksa dengan pejabat saya. Saya tidak pernah dan tak akan terlibat dengan apa-apa skim cepat kaya.

10. Selain itu ada yang percaya laporan palsu yang saya ada kekayaan berbilion.

11. Semasa dalam Kerajaan saya dah isytihar harta. Kalau ada yang masih nak percaya saya ada kekayaan berbilion, terpulanglah.

12. Yang nyata manusia bermacam ragam. Ada yang cerdik, ada yang kurang. Ada juga yang pandai tak terikut.

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