Wednesday, October 25, 2023

1. There is something strange about the Israeli war on Gaza.

2. When the war started the report says that two thousand Palestinians were killed.

3. The number of Israelis killed was 1400.

4. The war has gone on for more than two weeks.

5. The report says that now more than five thousands Palestinians have been killed.

6. But the number of Israelis killed remained at 1400.

7. Could it be that after killing 1400 Israelis on the first day, Hamas had stopped firing rocket at Israel? Or is it that the 1400 figure was cooked up by Israel to justify their continued genocidal attempts against Hamas and all Palestinians.

8. Israel is not a big power. Yet it cares nothing for international laws or morality. Why?

9. The reason is because it has the American Government behind it. Frankly the American Government approves of the crimes and the immorality of Israel. Biden never mentions the Palestinians who had been killed.

10. Why is the American Government backing Israel? It is because the Jews of America have a big say in the choice of the President and the Government of the United States. They own the media and the banks.

11. As we condemn Israel for the atrocities against the Palestinians, we should also condemn the American Government for its support of the atrocities. In fact the American Government seems ready to support Israeli invasion of Gaza and the genocide that it plans. The American Government and that of the UK are equally culpable.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

1. Malaysia is famous for having huge savings.

2. Apart from the reserves held by Bank Negara amounting to more than USD100 billion (RM500 billion) we have RM1 trillion investment assets with Employees Provident Fund (EPF), over RM300 billion assets under management in Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), more than RM80 billion deposit savings with Tabung Haji and the pension fund, KWAP has almost RM150 billion. We have in fact more than one trillion Ringgit in savings.

3. At the same time we have huge debts incurred during Najib’s tenure as Prime Minister and now the additional amounts in Government funds for projects, subsidies and free gifts. We have a lot of debts.

4. Most of our savings are invested in US bonds. We cannot get back the money easily. The US has a reputation of not giving back the money lent to them or deposited with them.

5. So much of Government fund had to be used to service the loans. This results in more deficits. The debts remain as a burden. We have to service the debts with several billions every year.

6. So why are we saving money when we can pay our debts and reduce our financial burden.

7. Why are we lending money from our savings to the US and get little return from it.

8. Why must we hold so much money as reserves in USD.

9. Why must we have so much money as reserves.

10. These are the questions that the Government must ask itself.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

1. Saya merasa agak hairan bagaimana Puad Zarkashi, seorang Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor boleh tuduh saya peralat LHDN di dalam kes Datuk Najib (dan anaknya) disaman kerana tidak bayar cukai berjumlah RM1.7 billion.

2. Pertamanya, apakah Puad tidak faham proses perundangan. Dalam apa-apa juga kes melibatkan Kerajaan, ia perlu mendapat persetujuan pihak Peguam Negara sebelum dibawa ke mahkamah.

3. Jika Pejabat Peguam Negara merasa bahawa kes itu tidak mempunyai asas kukuh maka ia tidak akan di bawa ke mahkamah. Maka, apabila ia di bawa ke mahkamah ia bermakna Peguam Negara merasa ada asas yang cukup.

4. Keduanya, apabila ia dibawa ke mahkamah, Hakim pula akan membuat penilaian berdasar kepada bukti-bukti yang dipamer dan saksi-saksi yang dipanggil.

5. Jika tiada saksi-saksi dan bukti-bukti yang sahih dan kukuh maka Hakim dan Mahkamah akan membuang kes tersebut.

6. Mahkamah tertinggi negara, Mahkamah Persekutuan pada hari Isnin menolak rayuan Najib dan anaknya untuk membatalkan kes cukai mereka. Panel lima hakim telah sebulat suara menolak rayuan mereka membatal kes saman cukai LHDN berjumlah RM1.7 billion tersebut.

7. Jika LHDN telah diperalat oleh saya kenapa peguambela Najib tidak tunjuk bukti di mahkamah di hadapan hakim-hakim tersebut.

8. Apakah Puad Zarkashi menganggap hakim-hakim tersebut tidak tahu menilai bukti-bukti dan saksi-saksi yang di pamer di mahkamah?

9. Selain itu, jika Puad Zarkashi ada bukti bahawa LHDN telah diperalat oleh saya, kenapa dia tidak beri bukti itu kepada peguambela Najib dan menawar diri sebagai saksi pembelaan.

10. Tetapi ini tidak dilakukan olehnya. Sebaliknya, dia cuma “meroyan” di luar mahkamah dan membiar Najib menghadapi saman dan kalah.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

1. The reactions to the latest hostility between Palestinians and the Israelis actually underscores why the conflict, which has been more than seven decades, would not find a solution.

2. Firstly, the responses that came from powerful Western nations and their apparatus, including their media, are hypocritical, bigoted and pathological.

3. Instead of addressing the conflict for what it actually is, they chose to continue with their deceptive narrative that it is an attack on Israel by terrorists – their blame being obviously against Hamas, the Hezbollah and Iran.

4. With that narrative, they stoke fear in the Western community, claiming that it is an attack on democracy and peace loving people.

5. With that, the US in particular feel justified to extend military support to Israel to “retaliate” against Palestinians attacks.

6. All these are far from the truth. Instead they are outright lies which had been perpetuated unashamedly by Western leaders and their media.

7. The truth is actually very simple.

8. For decades, the Israelis had been committing war crimes, massacres, genocide and unthinkable atrocities against the Palestinians.

9. These are not one-off acts but rather systematically conducted without respite throughout the seven decades.

10. Apart from Palestinian land which the Israelis acquired illegally through unilateral agreements and treaties with former occupiers of Palestine, the Israeli settlers have been forcefully seizing lands and farms belonging to Palestinians.

11. The Palestinians are chased out of their land and any attempt to seek some form of restitution from the Israeli authorities are met with violence backed most times by the Israeli security forces namely the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

12. The Palestinians, pushed to the corner, while Gaza was turned into an open air prison, attempted sporadic retaliations, which in turn were met with the full force of the IDF with weapons supplied by superpowers in particular the US.

13. This episode is not any different from previous retaliations except that probably this time around they are more focussed with a bit more assistance externally.

14. But the Western powers and their apparatus continue with their lies, with their narratives that the hostility is an act of terror committed by terrorists, ignoring the fact that it is retaliation by a people whose freedom and rights to their land had been forcefully taken away from them.

15. They refuse to view the hostility is committed by freedom fighters who are up against an injustice committed by an apartheid regime which had been perpetrating genocide on the Palestinians.

16. The Western powers and the US are party to apartheid, genocide and crimes against humanity for as long as they support the heinous Israeli regime.

17. With that, any attempt towards finding a just and fair solution for the Palestinians becomes an exercise in futility.

18. In the meantime, the Israelis can be expected to carry out their genocide with impunity and with total disregard of international laws.

Monday, October 9, 2023

1. Some people are said to be above the law. They are immune. But are they really?

2. What do you think when an immune person commits a crime. Should he be charged? Well, if he is immune then he should not be charged.

3. What if he kills a person? Well if he is immune then he should not be charged.

4. What if the person he killed is your mother, or father or beloved brother?

5. Well we cannot allow that. But other people do not feel so much hurt. It is not their mother, or father or beloved brother. So they will say we have to respect the immunity. That is the rule of law.

6. But it may not be killing a person. It may be just stealing your property.

7. That’s okay. No carge.

8. What would society be like if an immune person can take what belongs to you, or to other people?

9. You would feel very uncomfortable. You would want to migrate.

10. You are seeing a lot of people migrating now. They migrate because they can find no way to live a secure life.

11. So just think.

12. We have a Government led by a Reformist. It is a Government that is immune, that is above the law.

13. We must like immunity.

14. We keep on supporting a Government that is immune.

15. What can we do?

16. We can pray to Allah.

17. But Allah has said in the Quran that he will not change your life until you have done something to change it.

18. Have we done anything? 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

1. During Zahid Hamidi’s trial he alleged that I threatened him with being charged for his crimes unless he dissolved UMNO.

2. I did not comment as I thought I should not comment on the trial unless I was called to bear witness.

3. But I was not called. Instead the AG decided to offer him a DNAA which meant the court was not allowed to decide on his allegation. But actually the allegation was not completely true.

4. Zahid came to see me after UMNO (Barisan Nasional) lost in the 14th Election. At that time several members of UMNO, including Hamzah Zainudin, had resigned from the party and had joined Bersatu. I expected Zahid to do the same. But he seemed determined to resuscitate UMNO.

5. I told him that UMNO could not be revived. I advised him to dissolve UMNO.

6. Up to that point Zahid’s allegation was correct. But I did not threaten to charge him for his misappropriating the fund of Yayasan Akal Budi (YAB).

7. I did not simply because I did not know much about his misdeeds. That was something that the A.G. (Tommy Thomas) would be looking into.

8. Zahid came to see me again. He was carrying a thick file. He claimed that he was innocent and the files would prove it.

9. I simply told him to show the files to the judge. I told him I had no authority to do anything for him.

10. He withdrew the files. I believe the AG preferred charges against him and he had to answer in the court.

11. The AG has the right to charge anyone if he is convinced that there was a case. The PM’s opinion is not required.

12. I wish I had been called as a witness to verify whether the allegation made by Zahid was true or not. But I was not called. Still I need to clarify that at no time did I threaten Zahid.

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