Thursday, March 30, 2023

1. Apa sudah jadi.

2. Saya takut.

3. Kerana di tanah air saya, di Malaysia, di Tanah Melayu saya tidak boleh bercakap berkenaan masalah orang Melayu.

4. Tidak boleh berjumpa pun. Tidak ada tempat. Semua tolak. Empat kali kena tolak “atas arahan pihak atasan”.

5. Nak lancar proklamasi orang Melayu tanpa sentuh kaum lain, itu hasutan. Sedition.

6. Saya takut.

7. Nak guna sosial media ini bolehkah???

8. Akan dituduh menghasutkah?

9. Saya minta ampun jika dakwaan ini salah.

10. Jika salah saya mengeluh tentang nasib orang Melayu, tak apalah. Saya tidak lagi akan mengeluh.

11. Orang Melayu miskin jual negara.

12. Okaylah. Orang miskin tidak perlu negara.

13. Jangan buat apa-apa.

14. Itu hasutan.

Monday, March 27, 2023

1. Dalam usaha untuk menghalang perhimpunan Melayu yang menjemput saya hadir, Anwar telah berkata, “ada orang dulu, 22 tahun campur 22 bulan pegang kuasa, sekarang mengeluh Melayu hilang segala-galanya, hilang harta, hilang saham”. Tambahnya, “Bagaimana tak hilang kalau kamu bolot untuk kamu. Untuk keluarga kamu dan anak-anak kamu. Sekarang bila hilang kuasa, bicara soal rakyat.”

2. Saya ingin dapat bukti dari Anwar bahawa saya bolot untuk saya, untuk keluarga saya dan anak-anak saya.

3. Membuat tuduhan memang mudah. Tetapi tuduhan yang tidak dibukti dengan jelas, tidak boleh diterima sebagai benar. Ia adalah fitnah.

4. Saya mengeluh sekarang kerana kehilangan segala-galanya oleh orang Melayu berlaku selepas saya letak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri. Memang pun orang Melayu menjadi begitu miskin selepas saya tidak lagi jadi Perdana Menteri.

5. Saya berusaha memulihkan keadaan orang Melayu apabila jadi Perdana Menteri selepas PRU 14. Tetapi Kerajaan PH dijatuhkan dan saya pun hilang jawatan. Sebab itu saya mengeluh sekarang.

6. Saya menyertai usaha untuk menyedar orang Melayu akan masalah mereka dengan pelancaran proklamasi Melayu.

7. Isi kandungan proklamasi ini menepati peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan juga Perlembagaan UMNO.

8. Perhalangan pelancaran ini bermakna Kerajaan Anwar menolak Perlembagaan negara dan Perlembagaan UMNO.

9. UMNO tidak bantah. UMNO tidak lagi pegang kepada matlamat penubuhannya.

10. Sebab itu puak lain perlu diadakan untuk melindungi hak orang Melayu dan Bumiputera lain.

11. Apabila Kerajaan menghalang pihak lain melancar proklamasi ini, ia mengkhianat janji dalam Perlembagaan Negara.

12. Sebab itu orang Melayu patut tentang Kerajaan pimpinan Anwar Ibrahim.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Di antara ketetapan mesyuarat Majlis Kerja Tertinggi UMNO ialah;

1. UMNO turut menzahirkan kebimbangan sentimen permainan kaum dan agama yang terus menular.

2. Justeru menggesa Kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas bagi membendung fenomena yang boleh merosakkan keharmonian negara.

3. Perlembagaan UMNO menyebut 3.3 ………. membela Kepentingan Raja-Raja Melayu, Bangsa Melayu, Bumiputera, Anak Negeri Sabah dan Orang Asli…… (termasuk) perkara dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

4. Tetapi sekarang orang Melayu yang rancang melancar proklamasi berkenaan masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang Melayu pun tidak dibenar.

5. Proklamasi yang tidak sentuh kaum lain dianggap rasis.

6. Jika orang Melayu tidak dibenar bincang masalah orang Melayu dan tidak boleh sentuh kaum lain, tidak pun boleh bincang akan ajaran agama Islam, maka akan terhapuslah kebebasan bersuara oleh orang Melayu.

7. Apakah ini perjuangan UMNO. Apakah ini UMNO. Atau apakah UMNO sudah diperalat oleh pemimpin yang durjana, yang menjadi UMNO alat untuk kepentingan pemimpinnya.

8. Wahai ahli UMNO, Sedarlah. UMNO sudah gugur perjuangan asalnya. Parti UMNO tidak ada lagi. Yang ada ialah bangkai yang diperalat untuk menyelamat pemimpin yang bergelumang dengan jenayah.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Mahathir Mohamad 
1. Kit Siang memberi nasihat terakhir kepada saya.

2. Ya. Memang pun saya mengumum kegagalan Wawasan 2020.

3. Tetapi ia bukan kegagalan saya. Tidak ada bukti kegagalan Wawasan 2020 sehingga saya letak jawatan pada 2003.

4. Apabila sahaja Tun Abdullah dan Dato Seri Najib ambil alih kepimpinan negara, mereka ketepikan dasar dan cara yang diterokai oleh saya.

5. Sebaliknya, Abdullah batal projek keretapi, jambatan bengkok dan projek expressway walaupun beliau telah janji akan teruskan projek-projek ini. Dasar dan cara yang saya perkenal semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri juga digugur.

6. Yang diutamakan ialah projek anak dan menantu. Di tingkat empat terdapat beberapa anak muda yang mempengaruhi dasar dan projek. Wang Ehsan Terengganu diguna untuk mendiri hotel, taman masjid, perlumbaan perahu layar dan jambatan Rakyat tolak dasar dan pentadbiran Abdullah dan dalam PRU pada tahun 2008, pencapaian Kerajaan Abdullah begitu buruk sehingga lima buah negeri ditawan oleh parti lawan.

7. Pada 2009 Abdullah letak jawatan dan Najib Razak dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri.

8. Sepertimana Abdullah tidak tumpu kepada pelaksanaan Wawasan 2020, Najib juga tidak berusaha untuk jayakan wawasan berkenaan. Sebaliknya Najib pinjam berbillion Ringgit untuk beli stesyen janakuasa dengan harga lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran.

9. Lepas itu Najib terlibat dengan bermacam jenayah. Tidak ada sedikit pun usaha untuk jayakan Wawasan 2020.

10. Kegagalan Wawasan 2020 disebabkan oleh Abdullah dan Najib. Mereka tidak langsung cuba membangunkan negara dari 2004 hingga 2020.

11. Bahasa Malaysia ialah Bahasa Melayu, iaitu bahasa penduduk asal tanah Melayu. Kita tidak berjaya mencapai matlamat yang pertama kerana ramai rakyat Malaysia tidak bertutur kata dalam bahasa Kebangsaan bahkan mereka utamakan bahasa bukan Kebangsaan.

12. Sebab itu cabaran pertama untuk menubuhkan sebuah bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu tidak tercapai. Dalam perkara ini Kit Siang sendiri yang tidak berusaha supaya semua bangsa Malaysia bertutur kata dalam bahasa Kebangsaan yang sama.

13. Kit Siang perlu nasihat dirinya sendiri.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Mahathir Mohamad 
1. Ops Lalang happened when I was Prime Minister. I did not order it.

2. Tun Hanif has already clarified that it was the decision made by the police. (Watch here)

3. A Prime Minister has to listen to the police. They are responsible for the security of the nation. Their opinions and advice cannot be simply brushed aside.

4. The parties in Pakatan Harapan had always blamed me for ops Lalang. But when it served their objectives they very gladly accepted me as a colleague and also as the candidate to be their Prime Minister.

5. During the time I was the fourth Prime Minister, Anwar had weekly demonstrations. I did not stop him.

6. But now that he is the Prime Minister he does not allow Malays to even discuss the problems that they face.

7. The proclamation that we have drawn up did not blame other races for our misfortune. We are blaming the crooked Malay leaders only. They are the leaders who abused their authority, who stole money, who did not help the Malays to overcome their poverty.

8. If we cannot find a solution for the problems faced by the Malays, then we must assume that it is the wish of this Government to promote proverty among the Malays.

9. This bias against the Malays is a manifestation of the racism of the Government. It is sedition because it is against the constitution of our country.

10. It is therefore the Government leader who should be arrested for sedition.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mahathir Mohamad 
1. Anwar’s Government has ruled that the people must not talk about race and religion.

2. Obviously this rule is directed at the Malays. This rule is in fact racist because it denies the rights of the Malays. Talking about multiracialism and multireligion is okay. It is okay because it is in favour of the other races. This is also racist.

3. No one can deny that in this country the Malays are faced with many problems. It is obvious that if these problems are not tackled now they will get worse. The Government knows this. Its ban on the Malays discussing their problems and finding ways to overcome them is at best undemocratic and is anti-Malay. That again is racist.

4. Actually the Government does not know what will be said at the gathering. Even the declaration does not blame other races. It blames Malay leaders who have been found guilty of stealing Government money, money laundering and corruption.

5. If the Government is really against corruption it should allow the public gathering to launch the declaration. But it banned the gathering. Therefore it is not sincere about fighting corruption.

6. So far the anti-corruption campaign singles out on the leaders of the opposition. Those in the Government who are known to be corrupt are not investigated.

7. This shows the campaign is about removing the leaders of the opposition so that there would be no opposition to the Government in the state election.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Mahathir Mohamad 
1. Ramasamy is annoyed that I still distinguish the descendants of migrants from China and India as “orang asing” or people of foreign origins.

2. It is not me but they themselves who wish to identify themselves as of foreign origin. It is they who identify themselves as Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians. Malays identify themselves with this country Malaysian.

3. Yes, my ancestors came from India. But I don’t call myself a Malaysian Indian.

4. I am a Malay in the sense that my home language is Malay and my culture is Malay.

5. The constitution says that a Malay is a person who habitually speaks Malay and practices the Malay adat and is a Muslim.

6. I comply with all these qualifications. And so do hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkiye and Afghanistan who are accepted as Malays by everyone in this country. They do not call themselves Malaysian Arabs, or Malaysian Pakistanis etc.

7. But the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia insist on speaking in Chinese and Indian languages. They use to speak in the dialects of their provinces in their countries of origin. But when China decided on making Mandarin their national language, the Chinese in Malaysia also switch to Mandarin. Even the names are changed to follow those of the China Chinese.

8. The Indians in India refuse to have a national language. They speak the languages of their provinces. And the Indians in Malaysia also retain the languages of their provinces in India.

9. But the Chinese and Indians insist on their own schools, using Mandarin and Indian languages as media of instruction. They refuse to go to national schools where the medium is Malay, the official language of Malaysia.

10. Even the idea of having all the three schools on one campus is rejected.

11. The cultures of the Chinese and Indians are those of China and India.

12. The celebration of New Year are also those of China and India.

13. We don’t insist on changing religions. But surely language and culture must be those of Malaysia i.e. Malay.

14. In Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand the Chinese became Indonesian, Philippinos and Thais. Their home languages are the languages of these countries.

15. They don’t have schools teaching in the languages of their countries of origin.

16. There are a lot of people of foreign origins in the United States of America. But they all call themselves Americans, speak American English and fight for America.

17. Eisenhower is of German origin. But he fought against Germany as an American. He of course did not habitually speak German. He spoke American English.

18. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of migrants in America cannot speak the languages of their countries of origin. They all speak American English. They all attend American schools and universities.

19. It is the same with migrants who settle in the countries of South America. They only speak Spanish or Portuguese. There are no ethnic schools.

20. But in Malaysia Chinese Malaysians habitually speak Mandarin and Indians speak in the Indian provincial dialects. Only Chinese live in the urban area. The Malays cannot – too expensive.

21. When Malays speak about Malays they are not being racist. They are the nationals of this country. Anywhere in the world when nationals speak about themselves, they are not being racist. The British people talk about their problems and are not accused of being racist.

22. Rishi Sunak is of Indian origin but in speaking and behavior he is totally British. Thaksin Shinawatra is of Chinese origin but he habitually speak Thai and behaves like a Thai. So is Corazon Aquino of the Philippines. In all other ASEAN countries there are no Government aided Chinese schools. In fact I have not seen any Chinese schools in these countries.

23. But in Malaysia there are Chinese primary schools, secondary schools and universities.

24. The business sector of Malaysia is dominated by the Chinese. Non-Chinese cannot find good jobs there. If the Government do not take Malays they will be jobless.

25. I would admit that much of the wealth of Malaysia is due to the Chinese. Most of the taxes are probably from Chinese businesses. But they are amply compensated in Malaysia. The top billionaires are Chinese.

26. I do not like to talk about the Malaysian Chinese and the Malaysian Indian and their split personalities. But Ramasamy keeps on accusing me of being racist. As I said I am not racist. I am a national of the country called Malaysia. I have a right to a fair share of the wealth of this my country.

27. Multiracialism in Malaysia mean everything goes to the most capable, the most financially strong, the most wide business network, the best trained and experience.

28. Only non-Malays qualify.

29. Malays get nothing from multiracialism.

30. The real racist is Ramasamy. He is against Malays and does not want them to even have a small share of this country.

31. In the name of multiracialism he wants everything for the other races.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Mahathir Mohamad 
1. Dear Me. Sorry if I accuse Europeans of liking war.

2. I studied European history.

3. It is all about European wars.

4. You have the Seven Years War, the hundred years war, the War of the Roses etc. etc. etc.

5. The two World Wars started in Europe.

6. When the Chinese invented explosives they use it to frighten imaginary dragons.

7. When the Europeans got the technology, you use it to kill more distant people with cannon balls, bullets, shells, and rockets.

8. Yes. Europeans do not like wars.

9. But how did they conquer the world??

10. Who invented atom bombs, who dropped them and where did they drop the bombs?

11. I apologise for saying Europeans love wars.

12. I admit I am wrong. Silly.

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