Thursday, July 24, 2014


1.​The Jews claim they are the “chosen” people of God. Despite being persecuted by the European Christians who accused them of the crucifixion of Christ; despite being forced to live in ghettoes in Europe, despite having to endure periodical massacres (pogroms) by Europeans, the Jews never ceased to believe that they are superior beings who are the chosen people of God.

2.​The Jews are Semitic people. So are the Arabs. But today the Jews behave as if they are the only Semitic people. They accused everyone of being anti-Semitic if they criticised the Jews or accuses them of wrong doings. For whatever they do, however criminal it may be they would accuse their detractors as being anti-Semitic.

3.​In this free world we can accuse anyone of anything and it is tolerated because it is part of freedom of speech. But the Jews may not be a criticised in any way without the critic being labelled “anti-Semitic”. And many European countries support this view to the extent of jailing anyone accused of being anti-Semitic.

4.​Clearly the Jews think of themselves as special beings who are privileged to the point of being above condemnation or even criticism.

5.​Their present behaviour confirms this arrogance. They do what they wish even when the world considers their deeds as criminal, inhuman even. Currently they are engaged in killing hundreds of the people in Gaza and razing their cities to the ground. Hospitals, schools and private dwellings have been bombed and rocketed.

6. The world may condemn this inhuman acts but the Jews don’t care. They announce their intention to kill more people and devastate the Gaza strip.

7.​When the Europeans took Palestinian land to create the state of Israel, they clearly stated that the rights of the Arab people within the new state must be respected.

8.​The Jews just ignored this injunction and simply seized all Arab land and properties in Israel including houses and farms. Through violent attacks and massacres e.g. at Deir Yassin, they forced the Palestinian Arabs to flee their land. They then claim the Arabs left freely.

9.​For more than 60 years these refugees have been forced to live in refugee settlements. No compensations have been paid for the expropriation of their property. They are not allowed to return and live in the Jewish State. This is racism at its worse.

10.​Not satisfied with the seized Palestinian land which the UN made into the state of Israel, the Israelis occupied Palestinian land outside Israel. They built fortified settlements exclusively for themselves; another act unprecedented in the history of the nations of the world.

11.​They built roads through Palestinian lands which no Palestinian may use. They built high walls through Palestinians villages, breaking them up so that the Palestinians cannot visit their own friends and relatives living on the other side of the wall. They did not allow the Palestinians to have a Palestinian nation. They can only be a Palestinian Authority. And the Europeans endorse this overbearing arrogance.

12.​They laid siege to the Gaza strip so that food and medicines and building materials cannot be sent to the aid of the Gaza people after the bombings and rocketing by the Israel military forces. Ships trying to supply Gaza with their needs are seized in International waters and forced to sail to Israel where their cargo is confiscated. Frequently the ships are attacked by the Israelis navy outside Israeli waters and aid workers are shot and killed.

13.​Israel has more than ten thousand Palestinians in custody at any time for alleged anti-Israel activities. No charges and no trial have been instituted. The length of the detention is not stated.

14.​Periodically should the Palestinians capture an Israel soldier, Israel would offer to release a few hundred of these detainees in exchange for the Israel soldier. But very quickly new Palestinians are arrested so that they can be used in exchange for captured soldiers.
15.​If in frustration the Palestinian send in suicide bombers or fire rockets to retaliate against Israeli atrocities, they would ensure the Palestinians pay a high price. They would send in their military forces to destroy Palestinian villagers and kill hundreds of innocent Palestinians, men, women, children the old and the sick.

16.​Currently after the alleged killing of three Israeli students by unknown persons, Israel bombarded the Gaza strip with aerial bombs and rockets. Hospitals, schools and private houses are destroyed. More than 500 people have been killed and thousands injured. The hospitals where the injured are taken to are rocketed by Israel without any consideration for the sick who cannot flee.

17.​The message for the world seems to be that Israel and Israelis are sacred and anyone touching them would have to pay a price a hundred times more than that inflicted on Israelis.

18.​All these things the Israeli are doing are against International law, against morality, against human rights. They are criminals in every law of the civilised world.

19.​But the Israeli Jews do this with impunity. They have the whole of America and Europe behind them. They are the chosen people of God and they are above any laws, any moral code, any human values.

20.​When Jews were persecuted by the Nazis in Germany they seek the sympathy and support of the world. But their sufferings have taught them nothing, have not made them understand the pain of suffering. Instead they are now behaving worse than Nazis, not caring at all for the sufferings and deaths they inflict upon others.

21.​The Europeans and the Americans created this monster and they care not for the atrocities committed by it. They will continue to support Israel even if the Israelis commit genocide, kill all the Arabs. This is their way to atone for all their treatment of the Jews in the past.
The Jews should really be venting their spite on the Germans and other Europeans. But they are too smart. Killing Arabs is easier and more fun.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


1.​Sejak dahulu kala lagi terdapat kampung air di Sabah dan Sarawak. Kampung-kampung ini biasanya didiri di muara sungai atau dalam air di pinggir laut. Penempatan ini membolehkan perahu diguna untuk perjalanan atau tangkapan ikan.

2.​Lagipun sampah sarap boleh dibuang ke dalam air. Demikian juga dengan najis manusia.

3.​Di zaman dahulu jumlah penduduk tidak ramai. Najis dan sampah pun tidak banyak. Gerakan air pasang surut dan pengaliran air boleh membawa sampah dan najis jauh ke tengah laut dan hilang begitu sahaja.

4.​Hari ini jumlah penduduk kampung air sudah ramai dan sampah dan najis yang lebih banyak tidak lagi dibawa arus dan ombak ke laut dalam. Kebanyakan najis dan sampah kekal di bawah rumah dan di sekeliling kampung air. Apabila air surut najis dan sampah kelihatan di bawah rumah dan sekitar.

5.​Sekarang perahu sebagai kenderaan tidak lagi mustahak. Jalan-jalan sudah ada yang menghubungi kampung-kampung ini dengan kampung dan bandar lain di daratan.

6.​Bekalan makanan juga tidak lagi bergantung kepada memancing di sekitar kampung. Kedai dan kampung berdekatan boleh membekal segala keperluan penduduk kampung air. Jika mereka nelayan, kampung air tidak perlu. Ramai nelayan di seluruh Malaysia tidak tinggal di kampung air.

7.​Sesungguhnya zaman kampung air sudah berakhir. Cara hidup dalam kampung air tidak lagi sesuai dengan keadaan sekarang dengan adanya jalan dan bekalan yang cukup.

8.​Seperti kita semua maklum peristiwa serangan pengganas di Lahad Datu terjadi kerana kampung air sukar diawasi dan dikawal oleh pihak berkuasa. Biasanya pendatang ke negara Malaysia perlu melalui pintu rasmi yang mempunyai pegawai imigrasi, kastam dan polis. Tujuannya tentulah kerana bukan sahaja cukai perlu di kutip ke atas barangan yang dibawa masuk, tetapi juga barang yang diharamkan, seperti dadah, senjata boleh dirampas. Pendatang yang tidak ada paspot tentulah tidak akan di benar masuk.

9.​Kampung air sebenarnya menjadi pintu masuk tidak rasmi ke negara. Pendatang dengan bot boleh mendarat melalui mana-mana sudut kampung air tanpa diketahui oleh sesiapa. Di waktu malam penyeludupan barangan dan senjata boleh dilakukan dan disimpan dalam rumah kampung air.

10.​Di waktu pengganas menyerang Lahad Datu, pasukan keselamatan terdedah kepada serangan dan tembakan oleh pengganas yang bersembunyi dalam rumah dalam kampug air. Perjalanan pihak polis mudah didengar dan dilihat oleh pengganas. Polis berjalan atas titian kayu yang sempit dan tidak kemas. Tidak ada tempat untuk melindung diri jika diserang. Amat sukar bagi polis membeza antara penduduk dan pengganas. Ini mengganggu mereka sehinggalah mereka diserang. Mereka akan terbunuh atau tercedera sebelum dapat menembak balas. Peristiwa seperti ini sudah pun berlaku.

11.​Beberapa anggota polis dan tentera terbunuh apabila mereka cuba menggeledah rumah-rumah kampung air di waktu serangan oleh pengganas di Lahad Datu.

12.​Selagi ada kampung air selama itulah Sabah terutamanya tidak selamat dari pencerobohan oleh pengganas dan penyeludup. Selepas peristiwa Lahad Datu, berlaku lagi serangan oleh pengganas.

13.​Rondaan oleh pasukan keselamatan di laut dan di darat tidak dapat menghalang seratus-peratus penculikan dari berlaku.

14.​Amatlah memalu apabila Malaysia tidak pun mampu menghalang pengganas dari memasuki wilayah bila-bila masa sahaja. Apa akan terjadi jika serangan oleh beribu pengganas berlaku? Ingatlah, kita tidak terfikir 200 orang dapat mendarat dan menguasai satu kawasan di Sabah. Tetapi ia berlaku.

15.​Masa sudah tiba untuk penduduk kampung air dipindah dan ditempatkan di kawasan yang lebih selamat di daratan. Kosnya tentu tinggi tetapi saya percaya Malaysia yang mampu membelanja berbillion Ringgit untuk projek yang kurang penting boleh membiayainya. Di masa yang sama alatan seperti bot laju, pesawat intip dan senjata canggih perlu dibekal kepada pasukan keselamatan. Hari ini pesawat mengintip sudah begitu canggih sehingga tidak mungkin sesiapa boleh bersembunyi samada siang atau malam.

16.​Sesungguhnya cara hidup di kampung air sudah melampaui zaman. Ia sudah tentu tidak akan mencerminkan imej Malaysia maju yang kita fikir kita akan jadi menjelang 2020.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


1. Johor Bahru akan bertukar wajah secara radikal. Pembangunan yang dicadangkan, dengan berpuluh bangunan pencakar langit yang tinggi dan indah, dengan mercu tanda yang berbentuk ‘sky scraper’ tertinggi akan menjadikan Johor Bahru lebih menarik dan mengagumkan dari New York.

2. Tidaklah salah jika JBB (Johor Bahru Baru) ini akan mengheret Malaysia ke era baru. Ia tetap mencerminkan kemodenan dan kemajuan Malaysia. Seperti dengan Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru akan sampai Wawasan 2020 lebih awal dari wilayah lain di Malaysia.

3. Walau bagaimanapun soalan yang timbul ialah siapa yang akan tinggal dan bekerja dalam puluhan pencakar langit ini. Dari manakah mereka akan datang. Dari Johor Bahru? Dari Malaysia?

4. Bangunan-bangunan ini bukanlah rumah murah. Tentulah bahan yang diguna ialah daripada marmar dan granit. Lif dan escalator memudahkan pelawat naik-turun. Di tingkat atas yang mungkin 30 atau 40 tingkat tingginya, tentulah disedia flat mewah dengan sewa puluh ribuan ringgit sebulan.

5. Mungkinkah yang akan isi pejabat mewah ini syarikat dari Majidee atau Gelang Patah? Dan Penduduk terdiri dari orang Melayu Johor Bahru dan kampung-kampung di sekitar. Di khuatir bukan.

6. Pada 1819 Singapura dijual kepada British oleh Temenggong dengan harga Dolar Sepanyol 60,000. Terdapat beberapa nelayan yang tinggal di pulau itu, pada ketika itu.

7. Pendatang asing membanjiri Singapura sehingga penduduk asalnya tenggelam dalam bandar besar yang didirikan. Demikianlah besarnya jumlah pendatang asing ini sehingga Singapura menjadi negara asing yang tidak dikembalikan kepada Johor apabila British bebaskan pulau itu daripada penjajahannya.

8. Apakah mungkin bandar indah dan mewah yang sedang didirikan tidak akan jadi satu lagi Singapura. Dalam sistem Malaysia sesiapa yang tinggal di negara ini selama 10 tahun dari 12 tahun yang lepas berhak mendapat kerakyatan. Dan kita tak pandai tolak permintaan orang. Lihat sahaja apa yang sedang berlaku sekarang.

9. Kawasan yang akan dibangunkan ini tentu akan menjadi sebahagian dari Malaysia. Ia akan memiliki beberapa kawasan pilihanraya. Kalau pun dicantum dengan kawasan lain majoriti penduduk akan terdiri daripada warga baru ini.

10. Sekarang kita tidak boleh sebut Melayu. Ia rasis. Tak apalah jika tidak ada seorang pun warga keturunan Melayu, asalkan yang akan mengundi dan memilih wakil rakyat terdiri dari warganegara Malaysia.

11. Saya mengalu-alukan transformasi di Johor Bahru seperti saya alu-alukan transformasi di lain-lain tempat. Yang penting ialah Malaysia menjadi negara maju walaupun ayam dikepok mati kelaparan dan itik di air mati kehausan.

Friday, July 4, 2014


1. What is an Islamic State? I have been accused of being inconsistent on this issue. May I explain.

2. There are many interpretations of what constitutes an Islamic state. There are many states which call themselves Islamic and many which are recognised as Islamic without having “Islamic” before their names. Their Islamic credentials are not always the same. Some actually declare themselves to be secular states but are nevertheless considered Islamic.

3. In the OIC there are more than 50 states but they do not have the same constitution or laws to qualify as Islamic. They may not even have a constitution, written or otherwise.

4. When I claimed that Malaysia is an Islamic country I was comparing it with those Islamic countries whose application of Islamic laws and injunctions appear to be less rigid. But then Islamic laws and injunctions are not as rigid as some Muslims would have us believe. Islam allows for some looseness or differences of interpretation so that Islam can be practiced under different circumstances and in different parts of the world at different periods in history. Some things are however inviolable e.g. the declaration of faith in the one Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger.

5. Most states which claim to be Islamic do not apply hudud laws. They apply the syariah for most things involving family and social affairs and practices. Islam as Ad Deen, as a way of life, prescribes the correct and acceptable ways of conducting personal, family and social life. These syariah laws help keep relations within the Muslim society and between Muslims and non-Muslims largely free of conflicts and misunderstandings. In Islam there is no compulsion. Islam acknowledges the existence of non-believers and specifically enjoin upon us Muslims to accept that we pray (and do things) our own way while non-believers pray and do things their way. The verse (Al Khafirun) conclude by saying, “To them their religion, to us our religion.”

6. Justice is very important in Islam. There are 43 verses which enjoin upon Muslims to “judge with justice”. There is no injunction to do justice only to Muslims and not to the non-Muslims. Certainly there is nothing in the syariah enjoining injustice for Muslims.

7. In multi-religious Malaysia because applying the hudud laws to Muslims and not to non-Muslims would cause injustice to Muslims, in the interest of upholding Islamic justice for all we have not implemented hudud laws. Islam is not so rigid that injustice should be ignored in carrying out what is enjoined by the shariah.

8. Other than this, Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and we do not obstruct Muslims from practising the teachings of Islam. If we do not apply hudud laws it is not because we reject it, but because we are enjoined to uphold justice. To cut off the hands of Muslims for stealing while non-Muslim thieves would only get two months jail cannot be regarded as just. The sentence must be the same for both.

9. If we cut the hands of non-Muslims in order to be just we may bring about chaos and havoc in the country. Allah does not like people who cause chaos and havoc in society.

10. In not applying hudud laws in Malaysia we are truly adhering to the teachings of Islam. Our claim to be an Islamic country is therefore valid.

11. There is no inconsistency in the claim that Malaysia is an Islamic state. It may not say so in the constitution or in its name. But in its beliefs and practices it is Islamic.

12. Malaysia never declared itself to be a secular state in its constitution or anywhere else. That is because we respect all religions and their believers. Secular states ban religions. We saw this in Communist countries before. But today everyone practices religious freedom and this is compatible with Islam.
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