1. Ucapan Presiden UMNO dalam perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2015 amat mengecewakan. Ia tertumpu dan terhad kepada mempertahan diri sahaja.
2. Presiden mendakwa, ia adalah Gentleman, berjiwa besar, berani, tidak bacul dan tidak akan undur.
3. Perjuangan parti dan kerajaan pimpinannya tidak disebut. Juga tidak ada penjelasan berkenaan dengan masalah seperti 1MDB dan wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit yang terdapat dalam akaunnya di Arab Malaysian Bank yang perwakilan ingin tahu supaya mereka dapat terangkan kepada ahli-ahli lain dan orang ramai.
4. Ekonomi negara yang merosot, kejatuhan nilai Ringgit dan kesannya terhadap kos sara hidup dan kos import tidak diulas dan tidak ada cadangan bagaimana menangani masalah-masalah ini. Masalah yang disebabkan oleh GST juga tidak disentuh, hanya bagaimana kewangan Kerajaan diselamatkan oleh cukai berat yang dibebankan keatas rakyat ini.
5. Dasar pelajaran dan penggunaan bahasa pengantar yang tidak menentu tidak diulas.
6. Yang disentuh dan di tegaskan ialah bantuan Timbalan Presiden, Naib Presiden dan ahli-ahli kepada Presiden.
7. Bantuan yang disebut dalam perlembagaan sebagai peranan Timbalan Presiden dan Naib Presiden ditafsir semata-mata sebagai sokongan kepada Presiden. Sebenarnya bantu bermakna tolong. Dalam Bahasa Inggeris ia bermakna “assist” atau “help”. “Assistance” dan “help” bermaksud memberi pendapat dan nasihat berkenaan dasar dan tindakan yang dicadang oleh Presiden. Jika Presiden lemah, atau uzur maka Timbalan Presiden dan Naib Presiden perlu bantu. Jika Presiden salah, anggota lain perlu tolong betulkan.
8. Tetapi Presiden hanya menafsir bantu sebagai sokong. Demikian disebut dalam ucapan “kesetiaan dan ketaatan kepada pucuk pimpinan “sebagai dipanggil kita datang, disuruh pergi kita pulang – Begitulah luhurnya prinsip kesetiaan dan ketaatan.” Itulah sahaja yang dikehendaki oleh Presiden.
9. Semua anggota parti di semua peringkat tidak perlu fikir, tidak perlu memberi apa-apa sumbangan tetapi apabila disuruh datang, datang disuruh pergi, pergi. Apabila Presiden suruh jahanamkan parti pun jahanamkan. Jangan soal, jangan tegur dan jangan bantah. Inilah dasar dan kehendak Presiden Parti.
10. Jika tidak patuh kepada arahan Presiden atau menuding jari kepada kesalahan Presiden maka tindakan diambil untuk menggantung atau menyingkir dari parti.
11. Ugutan dibuat untuk polis memanggil untuk disoal dan dituduh .
12. Saya bukan sahaja di soal oleh polis tetapi sekatan yang dibuat terhadap saya lebih teruk daripada pemimpin parti lawan.
13. Semua dewan ditutup bagi saya sehingga saya tidak dapat bertemu dan bercakap dengan orang UMNO atau orang ramai. Hotel diberi amaran akan tidak diberi bisnes kerajaan jika saya diterima berucap dalam dewan-dewan mereka.
14. Timbalan Presiden tidak dibenar membuka mesyuarat sayap-sayap UMNO seperti yang sudah jadi tradisi parti. Timbalan Presiden juga dipecat daripada jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Demikian Shafie Apdal, Naib Presiden juga tidak dibenar bercakap setelah dipecat dari jawatan menteri.
15. Inikah sikap Gentleman yang berjiwa besar. Ia lebih mirip sikap boss yang mengikat tangan musuh supaya ia boleh dibelasah tanpa dibalas. Dahulu mencabar Presiden adalah perkara biasa dan pencabar bebas bercakap dimana sahaja. Tetapi sekarang tidak.
16. Sekarang Zahid sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Dalam Negeri akan berusaha untuk saya disoal lagi oleh polis kerana ucapan-ucapan dan tulisan saya dalam blog. Di bawah undang-undang apakah yang saya hendak disoal. Menegur Presiden Parti atau Perdana Menteri bahkan mendesak supaya PM letak jawatan tidak salah dalam negara demokratik. Kenapa daripada ribuan rakyat yang meminta Najib undur (sepanduk oleh penonton bola sepak Kedah VS Selangor yang menyuruh Najib letak jawatan) saya sahaja yang hendak disoal oleh polis. Prinsip keadilan berkehendak undang-undang dikuatkuasakan kepada semua orang tanpa diskriminasi.
17. Kerana dilarang, wakil-wakil UMNO di PAU tidak dapat bertanya berkenaan 1MDB dan duit yang ada dalam akaun Najib yang kononnya untuk UMNO. Duit dalam Arab-Malaysian Bank sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit telah dipindah ke Singapura. UMNO berhak mendapat laporan akan kedudukan duit ini. Dahulu pun derma pernah diserah kepada Presiden UMNO dan dimasukkan dalam tabung UMNO yang diletak di bawah jagaan pemegang amanah (trustee) UMNO. Duit ini diserah kepada Presiden baru UMNO apabila kepimpinan ditukar, sebagai milik UMNO dan bukan milik Presiden. Kenapakah UMNO tidak dimaklum dan 2.6 billion tidak diserah kepadanya apabila Najib mendakwa duit ini bukan untuknya tetapi untuk UMNO. Tidak menyerah adalah suatu kesalahan.
18. Lagipun bukti perlu dibuat berkenaan dengan cukai pendapatan yang dibayar semasa duit ada dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Ini juga sebahagian dari undang-undang Negara. Arab-Malaysian Bank didenda 50 juta Ringgit kerana kesalahan tertentu tetapi Najib sebagai pemilik wang yang banyak tidak dikena apa-apa bayaran setakat yang di ketahui. Dimanakah disebut bahawa Perdana Menteri kebal dari mematuhi undang-undang Negara.
19. Sesungguhnya ucapan Presiden UMNO dalam Persidangan Agong UMNO amat mengecewakan.
20. Ada pihak yang tidak faham sama sekali isu yang dihadapi oleh parti. Mereka memikir ini masalah perhubungan antara Presiden dengan Timbalan Presiden. Oleh itu jika bersalam-salam maka selesailah masalah.
21. Ini bukan masalah perhubungan atau persahabatan. Ini adalah isu salahlaku Presiden yang boleh menyebabkan parti kalah dalam pilihanraya.
22. Pilihan bagi parti ialah samada Presiden menjelaskan dimana duit yang hilang berada dan dikembalikannya kepada UMNO atau kerajaan atau Presiden letak jawatan.
23. Tetapi Presiden pilih untuk menghalang siasatan terhadap kehilangan berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan. Menggantinya dengan siasatan oleh orang yang tidak dipercayai oleh masyarakat tidak akan menghilangkan keraguan rakyat. Berkata bahawa siasatan sedang dijalan dan dia menjadi sub-judice dan tidak boleh dibincang tidak akan diterima sebagai benar oleh rakyat. Ia bukan sedang dibicara dalam mahkamah dan berbincang berkenaannya tidak menjadi sub-judice. Sudah tentu jika Presiden menjelas berkenaan wang 2.6 billion dan 1MDB, ia tidak menyalahi undang-undang. Tidak menjelas bermakna tuduhan adalah berasas. Dan sekali lagi parti akan menerima padahnya pada PRU 14.
24. Dakwaan oleh Presiden yang ianya akan “bermati-matian memimpin perjuangan yang mulia bagi membela orang Melayu dan Bumiputra” juga tidak dapat diterima kerana Najib menghapuskan Dasar Ekonomi Baru dan ia menekan kontraktor Melayu sehingga terpaksa gulung tikar. Biasiswa bagi penuntut Melayu dikurangkan.
25. Semua ini lebih mengecewakan orang Melayu, ahli UMNO sehingga mereka bersorak apabila Najib diminta letak jawatan.
26. Jika Najib letak jawatan ia akan disambut baik dan barulah benar ia seorang Gentleman yang berjiwa besar.
ENG VERSION blogtunm.blogspot.my
1. The speech by the President of UMNO at the UMNO General Assembly 2015 is very disappointing. It was focused on and limited to only defending himself.
2. The President claimed that he is a gentleman, magnanimous, courageous, not timid and would not relent.
3. The struggle of the party and his government were not mentioned. Nor were there any explanation on issues such as 1MDB and the sum of 2.6 billion Ringgit in his account at Arab Malaysian Bank which representatives want to know so they can explain to other members and the public.
4. The nation’s economy has deteriorated, the depreciation of the Ringgit and their impact on the cost of living and the cost of imports was not commented upon and there were no suggestions as to how to deal with these problems. Problems caused by GST were also not be touched upon, just how the government was saved by the heavy taxes imposed on the people.
5. Education policy and uncertainty on use of the medium of instruction were not discussed.
6. What was touched upon and stressed is the assistance by Deputy President, Vice Presidents and members for the President.
7. The assistance referred to in the constitution as the role of Deputy President and Vice Presidents was construed solely as support for the President. In English assistance actually means “assist” or “help”. “Assistance” and “help” means to give opinions and advice on policies and actions proposed by the President. If the President is weak, or sickly, then the Deputy President and the Vice-Presidents should help. If the president is wrong, other members need to correct.
8. But the President only interpret assistance as support. Thus, it was mentioned in a speech of “loyalty and obedience to the leadership” that “when we are called we come, when we are told to go we go” – That is how noble the principle of loyalty and obedience is. That is all that is required by the President.
9. All members of the party at all levels do not have to think, need not make any contribution but when asked to come you come, and asked to go you go. When the President asked that the Party be destroyed, then destroy it. Do not ask, do not criticize and do not disagree. This is the policy and the will of the President of the Party.
10. If you do not obey the instructions of the President or point a finger at errors of the President then action is taken to suspend or expel from the party.
11. Threats are made for the police to summon for questioning and be accused.
12. I am not only being questioned by the police but sanctions made against me are worse than against leaders of the opposition.
13. All halls are closed for me so I do not get to meet and talk with UMNO members or the public. Hotels are warned they will not be given government business if I were allowed to speak in their function rooms.
14. The Deputy President was not allowed to open the meeting of wings of UMNO as has been the Party’s tradition. The Deputy President was also dismissed from the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Thus Shafie Afdal, the Vice-President was also not allowed to speak after being sacked from the post of minister.
15. Is this the attitude of a gentleman who is magnanimous? It is more inclined to an attitude of a boss that ties the hands of the enemy so that they can be beaten without retaliation. Formerly, challenging the President is a common thing and challengers are free to speak anywhere. But not now.
16. Now Zahid as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs is striving so that I am again questioned by the police for speeches and writings in my blog. Under what law am I being questioned? Criticizing Party President or Prime Minister, even calling for PM to resign is not wrong in a democratic country. Why from the thousands of people who ask Najib to step down (banners by football spectators at Kedah vs Selangor who want Najib to resign) am I the only one to be questioned by police. The principle of justice demands that the law be enforced on all people without discrimination.
17. Because they are prohibited, representatives of UMNO in the General Assembly cannot ask about 1MDB and the money supposedly for UMNO in Najib’s account. The sum of RM2.6 billion in Arab-Malaysian Bank has been moved to Singapore. UMNO have the right to get a report on the position of this money. Even previously, donation had been handed over to the President of UMNO and deposited into an account of UMNO which is placed under the care of UMNO trustee. This money is handed over to the new President of UMNO when there is leadership change, as UMNO-owned and not owned by the President. Why is UMNO not notified and 2.6 billion not handed over to it when Najib claimed that the money was not for him but for the party? Not handing over is an offence.
18. Furthermore, evidence are required to be shown in respect of income tax paid when money is in the personal account of Najib. This is also part of the law of the country. Arab-Malaysian Bank was fined 50 million Ringgit for specific offenses but Najib as the owner of a big sum of money is not imposed any payment, as far as is known. Where is it mentioned that the Prime Minister is immune to the laws of the country.
19. Indeed, the President’s speech in UMNO’s General Assembly was very disappointing.
20. There are those who do not understand at all the issues facing the party. They thought this is the problem of relationship between the President and Deputy President. Therefore, just some cordial hand shakes will solve the problem.
21. This is not about relationship or friendship. This is an issue of misconduct of the President that can lead to the party being defeated in the election.
22. The option for the party is for the President to explain the whereabouts of the missing money and return it to UMNO or the government or the President resigns.
23. But the President chose to block an investigation into the loss of billions of Ringgit of government money. Replacing it with the investigation by a person who is not trusted by society will not eliminate people’s doubts. Saying that investigation is ongoing and it will be sub-judice and cannot be discussed will not be accepted as true by people. It is not being heard in court and talking about it is not sub-judice. Of course if the President clarifies the issue about the RM2.6 billion money and 1MDB it is not illegal. By not clarifying means the allegations have a basis. And once again the party will pay the price in the GE 14.
24. The claim by the President that it will be “leading the glorious fight to death to defend the Malays and Bumiputras” also cannot be accepted because Najib abolished the New Economic Policy and suppressed Malay contractors until they are forced to fold up. Scholarships for Malay students are reduced.
25. All these disappointed the Malays, so much so UMNO members applauded when Najib was asked to resign.
26. If Najib resigns it will be well received and only then will he be a magnanimous gentleman.